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President Trump’s First 100 Days: Constant Blunders, Falsehoods and Crises Undermine Administration’s Ability to Do Anything Positive for American Families

The First 100 Days of the Trump administration have been marked by consistent missteps, falsehoods, and broken promise after broken promise – and without a single major legislative accomplishment. Though the Trump administration may have set one record in its first 100 days: a record breaking number of blunders. This administration has been constantly hamstrung by self-imposed wounds: scandals, blunders, falsehoods, broken promises, errors, firings, withdrawals and examples of gross incompetence. This government by chaos is hurting American families because the Trump administration has failed to do much of anything to improve the bottom lines of those who are trying to make ends meet.


Nearly every one of the Trump administration’s first 100 days has been marked by a serious blunder or yet another unnecessary scandal. Again and again, this administration – with errors coming from White House staff to Cabinet Secretaries to the President himself – has thrown itself into crisis mode. These blunders include an incredible number of falsehoods, clear ethical breaches, international incidents, court losses, and administration upheaval.

January 20:  New York Magazine:  Trump’s New Twitter Photo Is Actually From Obama’s 2009 Inauguration

January 21:  NBC News:  Ex-CIA Boss Brennan, Others Rip Trump Speech in Front of Memorial

January 21: CNN:  White House press secretary attacks media for accurately reporting inauguration crowds

January 22:  CNN:  Conway: Trump White House offered 'alternative facts' on crowd size

January 23:  Washington Post:  Without evidence, Trump tells lawmakers 3 million to 5 million illegal ballots cost him the popular vote

January 24:  Washington Post:  Facing criticism, Trump administration has no regrets about leaving out Jews in Holocaust statement

January 25:  Vanity Fair: Donald Trump Announces “Major Investigation” into Nonexistent Voter-Fraud Conspiracy

January 25:  The Hill: Trump falsely claimed two were fatally shot in Chicago during Obama's speech

January 26:  CNN:  White House misspells Theresa May's name ahead of meeting

January 26:  PBS:  @POTUS Twitter account appears to be linked to a personal Gmail account

January 28:  Washington Post:  ‘This was the worst call by far’: Trump badgered, bragged and abruptly ended phone call with Australian leader

January 28:  New York Times:  Bannon Is Given Security Role Usually Held for Generals

January 30:  Washington Post:  Angry Republicans lash out at Trump for not consulting them on travel ban

January 30:  AP:  Trump's voter fraud expert registered in 3 states

January 31:  Boston Globe:  WH spokesman: Trump called immigration action a ‘ban’ because the media used that word

January 31:  AP:  Trump pledges beefed up cybersecurity but doesn't sign order

February 1:  Washington Post:  Trump implied Frederick Douglass was alive. The abolitionist’s family offered a ‘history lesson.’

February 1:  AP:  Trump to Mexico: Take care of 'bad hombres' or US might

February 2:  Politico:  Trump threatens to pull U.C. Berkeley funding after protests against Milo Yiannopoulos turn violent

February 2:  CNN:  Trump at National Prayer Breakfast: 'Pray for Arnold'

February 3:  Washington Post:  Kellyanne Conway cites ‘Bowling Green massacre’ that never happened to defend travel ban

February 4:  Business Insider Australia:  The White House just called Malcolm Turnbull 'the president of Australia'

February 4:  Washington Post:  Trump lashes out at ‘so-called judge’ who temporarily blocked travel ban

February 5:  Reuters:  Trump says Pence will lead voter fraud panel

February 6:  Washington Post:  President Trump is now speculating that the media is covering up terrorist attacks

February 6:  AP:  First lady says high profile could mean millions for brand

February 6:  Politico:  White House rattled by McCarthy's spoof of Spicer

February 7:  Bloomberg:  Trump Team Shuffles Lawyers in Hours Before Travel Ban Hearing

February 7:  Business Insider: Trump reportedly called his national security adviser at 3 a.m. to ask if the US wanted a strong or weak dollar

February 8:  The Hill:  White House defends Trump’s tweet criticizing Nordstrom

February 8:  Washington Post:  Journalist says Omarosa Manigault bullied her and mentioned a ‘dossier’ on her

February 9:  Business Insider:  Trump reportedly revives false voter fraud claims, calling Elizabeth Warren 'Pocahontas'

February 9:  New York Times:  Court Refuses to Reinstate Travel Ban, Dealing Trump Another Legal Loss

February 10:  The Hill: Trump nixed candidate for State Department job over campaign criticism: report

February 11:  Miami Herald:  Trump, Abe got North Korea missile news amid Mar-a-Lago crowd

February 11:  Roll Call:  Mar-a-Lago Member Posts Photo with ‘Nuclear Football’ Aide

February 12:  Washington Post:  Stephen Miller’s authoritarian declaration: Trump’s national security actions ‘will not be questioned’

February 12:  Washington Post: DeVos’s Education Department misspells name of NAACP co-founder in tweet — and the apology had a mistake

February 12: Washington Post: Trump Posts Fake Abraham Lincoln Quote

February 13:  New York Times:  Ethics Watchdog Denounces Conway’s Endorsement of Ivanka Trump Products

February 13:  New York Times:  Michael Flynn Resigns as National Security Adviser

February 14:  BuzzFeed:  Kellyanne Conway Claims She Doesn’t Know Who Retweeted A White Nationalist From Her Twitter Account

February 14:  USA Today:  White House posts wrong versions of Trump's orders on its website

February 15:  Politico:  Labor nominee Puzder withdraws

February 16:  AP:  Harward turns Trump down for national security adviser job

February 16:  CNN:  Trump asks African-American reporter to set up meeting with black lawmakers

February 16:  CBS News:  No, Trump's victory was not the biggest Electoral College win since Reagan

February 17:  AP:  DHS weighed Nat Guard for immigration roundups

February 18:  New York Times:  ‘Last Night in Sweden’? Trump’s Remark Baffles a Nation

February 24:  New York Magazine:  Trump Praises First Amendment, Calls for Media Suppression and Fewer Protests

February 24:  Washington Post:  White House blocks CNN, New York Times from press briefing hours after Trump slams media

February 25:  CNN:  Trump declines to attend White House correspondents' dinner

February 26:  Politico:  Sean Spicer targets own staff in leak crackdown

February 27:  CNN:  Trump: 'Nobody knew health care could be so complicated'

February 27:  NBC News:  DeVos Slammed as ‘Totally Nuts’ for Calling HBCUs ‘Pioneers of School Choice’

March 2:  Washington Post:  Attorney General Jeff Sessions will recuse himself from any probe related to 2016 presidential campaign

March 3:  Wall Street Journal:  Keystone Pipeline Won’t Have to Use U.S. Steel Despite Trump Pledge

March 3: USA Today: President swings and misses twice in attempt to spell 'hereby'

March 6:  New York Times:  Ben Carson Refers to Slaves as ‘Immigrants’ in First Remarks to HUD Staff

March 7:  The Hill:  Trump incorrectly blames Obama for release of 122 'vicious' Gitmo detainees

March 9:  CNBC:  EPA chief Scott Pruitt says carbon dioxide is not a primary contributor to global warming

March 13: LA Times: Kellyanne Conway on surveillance: We have 'microwaves that turn into cameras'

March 15:  CNN:  Media protests after Tillerson takes only one reporter to Japan

March 15:  New York Times:  Donald Trump Condemns Snoop Dogg on Twitter for Satirical Video

March 16:  New York Magazine:  White House Says Cutting Meals on Wheels Is ‘Compassionate’

March 17:  NBC News:  Trump to Merkel on Wiretaps: ‘At Least We Have Something in Common’

March 17:  The Telegraph:  Donald Trump fuels diplomatic row with Britain after apology from US officials over GCHQ wiretapping claims

March 17:  Washington Post:  That time the White House promoted a parody article of Trump’s ‘lean, mean fighting machine’ budget 

March 18:  Washington Post:  No, Germany doesn’t owe America ‘vast sums’ of money for NATO

March 19:  Washington Post:  White House installs political aides at Cabinet agencies to be Trump’s eyes and ears

March 20:  Business Insider:  Ivanka Trump is getting her own office in the West Wing, raising ethical concerns

March 21:  Washington Post: Trump: Most people don’t know President Lincoln was a Republican

March 21:  Daily Beast: Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Didn’t Sign Trump’s Ethics Pledge

March 22:  New York Times: Rick Perry Calls Election a ‘Mockery.’ It’s Not What You’re Thinking.

March 24:  Huffington Post:  Steve Bannon Thought He Could Bully Republicans On Health Care. He Couldn’t.

March 24:  Hollywood Reporter:  Risking Ethics Violation, Treasure Secretary Steven Mnuchin Promotes 'Lego Batman Movie'

March 24:  Forbes: After Promising Not To Talk Business With Father, Eric Trump Says He'll Give Him Financial Reports

March 27:  Wall Street Journal:  State Department Press Room Goes Dark — At Least for Now

March 28:  CNN:  Exasperated Spicer tosses out salad dressing analogy to defend WH

March 28:  NBC News:  ‘Stop Shaking Your Head’: Sean Spicer Lashes Out at Reporter April Ryan

March 29:  Politico:  Judge maintains broad block on Trump travel ban

March 30:  Vanity Fair:  EPA accidentally issues press release slamming Trump’s climate policy

March 31:  The Hill:  Trump leaves photo op before signing executive orders

April 1:  AP:  Trump aide urges defeat of Michigan member of Freedom Caucus

April 3:  The Hill: ProPublica fact-checks Spicer after he claims Trump trust docs were never altered

April 4:  Time:  Rex Tillerson Offers 'No Comment' on North Korea Missile Launch

April 4:  The Guardian:  Donald Trump's response to Syria gas attack: blame Obama 

April 5:  Hollywood Reporter:  Trump Defends Bill O'Reilly: "He Shouldn't Have Settled"

April 6:  The Hill:  China approved three Ivanka trademarks on same day she met with Xi: report 

April 6:  Syracuse Post-Standard:  President Trump, after 11 weeks: I've had 'one of the most successful 13 weeks'

April 10: CNN: Trump, who scorned Obama's golf habits, outpacing him in rounds

April 11:  The Hill:  Spicer: Even Hitler didn't use chemical weapons

April 12:  Elle:  Audience Laughs as Kellyanne Conway Complains About Liars

April 14:  Time:  The White House Will Keep Its Visitor Logs Secret

April 14:  CNN:  Trump claims immunity as President in lawsuit

April 17:  CBS News: Melania appears to remind Trump to put hand on heart for national anthem

April 18:  New York Magazine:  Trump Referred to Several Different North Korean Leaders As ‘This Gentleman’

April 18:  New York Times:  Aircraft Carrier Wasn’t Sailing to Deter North Korea, as U.S. Suggested

April 20: Politico: Trump blows his deadline on anti-hacking plan

April 20:  CNN: AG Sessions says he's 'amazed' a judge 'on an island in the Pacific' can block Trump's immigration order

April 21: CNN: Donald Trump just pulled a major flip-flop on his first 100 days in office

April 22: Business Insider: Angela Merkel reportedly had to explain the 'fundamentals' of EU trade to Trump 11 times

April 23: WaPo: White House officials offer conflicting details of Trump tax plan

April 24: Mic: Donald Trump may have lied in 'AP' interview about having "never heard" of WikiLeaks



During its first 100 Days, the Trump administration has already lost dozens of staff members. Some were forced to resign amidst scandal like National Security Advisor Flynn. Others withdrew their nomination like Labor Secretary nominee Andrew Puzder. And some failed to meet background check standards or failed to meet a purity test. It’s clear that the constant staff problems are another self-inflicted wound for the Trump administration. 



Michael Flynn (National Security Adviser) [NY Times, 2/13/17]

Katie Walsh (Deputy Chief of Staff) [Politico, 3/30/17]

Jason Miller (White House Communications Director) [Politico, 12/24/16]

Anthony Scaramucci (White House Liaison to the Business Community): [NY Times, 2/1/17]

Boris Epshteyn (Assistant Communications Director) [CNN, 3/27/17]

Monica Crowley (Senior Director of Strategic Communications, NSC) [CNN, 1/16/17]

Gerrit Lansing (White House Chief Digital Officer) [Politico, 2/22/17]

Caroline Wiles (Director of Scheduling) & Five Other White House Staffers [Politico, 2/16/17]

Lindsey Reynolds (Chief of Staff for the First Lady): [Politico, 2/10/17]

Marcus Peacock (Senior Policy Adviser, OMB) [Bloomberg, 4/12/17]

Craig Deare (Senior Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs, NSC) [Politico, 2/18/17]

Robert Wasinger (White House Liaison to the State Department) [Washington Post, 3/29/17]


Andrew Puzder (Nominee to be Secretary of Labor) [AP, 2/15/17]

Todd Ricketts (Deputy Secretary of Commerce) [Chicago Sun-Times, 4/19/17]

Vincent Viola (Nominee to be Secretary of the Army) [Military Times, 2/3/17]

Philip Bilden (Nominee to be Secretary of the Navy) [Politico, 2/26/17]

Julia Haller (State Department Senior Advisor) [Politico, 4/6/17]

Kiron Skinner (State Department Senior Advisor): [Politico, 2/9/17]

Shermichael Singleton (Senior Advisor at HUD) [NY Times, 2/16/17]

Rolf Lundberg (Deputy Director for “Buy American, Hire American,” NTC) [Politico, 2/7/17]

David Schnare (EPA) [Politico, 3/26/17]

David Kreutzer (EPA) [Politico, 4/6/17]

Jerry Ward (Department of Education) [Politico, 4/6/17]

Sid Bowdidge (Department of Energy) [Politico Pro, 3/10/17]

Taylor Hansen (Department of Education) [ProPublica, 3/21/17]