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Schumer Blasts Trump Administration for Hiding COVID Data From Public

Glens Falls, N.Y.— Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer today at a press conference in Glens Falls, NY responded to the Trump administration hiding CDC data on coronavirus cases from the public:
“This crisis is the worst health crisis we've had in a hundred years since the Spanish Flu hit America 1919 and 1920. You cannot sweep it under the rug. You cannot hide the facts. Because President Trump says this is nothing, ‘it will go away,’ doesn't mean it goes away. And that's one of the problems. Why is Europe and East Asia doing much better than us? Because they relied on the science.
“To have the CDC not be able to distribute publicly, the number of hospitalizations and the number of deaths is going to hurt us in our bid to end this crisis. Because when you don't know the truth, and you don't go after the truth, inevitably, you lose out. And I don't know why the White House is saying they want to hide the numbers, but it makes no sense in terms of fighting this crisis. If you listen to people like Dr. Fauci and listen to the scientific experts, we would have been a lot better off than trying to sweep it under the rug, which is what the president and others try to do.”
