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Schumer Calls For Acting CBP Commissioner Morgan And Other Top Leadership At Agency To Be Fired And For A New, Untainted Team To Be Brought In To Begin Reining In Toxic Culture At Border Patrol Agency

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer today released the following statement calling for Acting CBP Commissioner Morgan and other top leadership at the agency to be fired and for a new team to be brought in to begin reigning in the toxic culture at the border patrol agency:
“The Inspector General’s report and details of a secret border patrol workers’ Facebook group paint a picture of a toxic culture at U.S. Customs and Border Protection that can only begin to be changed by immediately firing and replacing top leadership at the agency with law enforcement professionals who have training and expertise in working with vulnerable populations. Internal investigations aren’t enough because the leadership at CBP, particularly Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan, are too callous about the way in which children and their families are treated, which is why we need untainted professionals to be brought in from outside the CBP structure immediately.
“The horrid conditions CBP has subjected children and families to at the border are nothing short of inhumane and downright inexcusable. Too much of CBP has been an out of control agency for too long and it must be reined in immediately.”
