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Schumer Calls For An Environmental Justice Leader To Serve As Next Chair Of The White House Council On Environmental Quality (CEQ)

Washington, D.C. — Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) released the following statement today urging that the next Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality be someone who will defend environmental safeguards, meaningfully engage with environmental justice communities, and coordinate a bold climate and clean energy agenda that works for everyone, regardless of zip code.

“I strongly support the nomination of an environmental justice leader to serve as the next Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). After the Trump administration spent four years using every tool at their disposal to weaken environmental safeguards, it will be the critical task of the next CEQ Chair to build back those protections even stronger and to coordinate a bold climate and clean energy agenda that works for everyone, regardless of zip code. I believe environmental justice needs to be the cornerstone of this work, and that is why earlier this year I introduced the THRIVE agenda to not only tackle the climate change crisis and to create job opportunities that will grow the economy, but to ensure Black, Hispanic, and indigenous communities are at the forefront of these efforts.”   
