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Schumer Calls For DOJ Inspector General Investigation Into Potential Improper Political Interference Regarding Sentencing Recommendation For Roger Stone

Washington, D.C.— Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer today sent a letter to Department of Justice Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz formally requesting an investigation into the reduced sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone who was convicted in federal court in November for obstructing Congress and witness tampering. 

The full text of Sen. Schumer’s letter is available below and here:

The Honorable Michael E. Horowitz

Inspector General

U.S. Department of Justice

Washington, DC  20530

Dear Inspector General Horowitz:

According to news reports today, the Justice Department plans to weaken the sentencing recommendations of its own career prosecutors in the case of Trump confidant and campaign advisor Roger Stone, who was convicted in federal court in November for obstructing a congressional investigation, making false statements to Congress, and witness tampering.  This situation has all the indicia of improper political interference in a criminal prosecution.  I therefore request that you immediately investigate this matter to determine how and why the Stone sentencing recommendations were countermanded, which Justice Department officials made this decision, and which White House officials were involved. 

The American people must have confidence that justice in this country is dispensed impartially.  That confidence cannot be sustained if the president or his political appointees are permitted to interfere in prosecution and sentencing recommendations in order to protect their friends and associates.  I urge you to conduct an expedited review of this urgent matter and issue a public report with your findings and recommendations as soon as possible.


Charles E. Schumer