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Schumer Floor Remarks Calling On The Postal Board Of Governors To Suspend Postmaster DeJoy While Allegations Of Serious Violations Of Campaign Finance Law Are Investigated

Washington, D.C.—Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor calling on the USPS Board of Governors to suspend Postmaster DeJoy while allegations of serious campaign finance law violations are investigated. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

On another matter. Tens of millions of Americans rely on the post office every day for their medication, Veterans’ benefits, food, and paychecks. This year, tens of millions of Americans will also rely on the Post Office to vote in our national election. As President Trump deliberately attempts to erode Americans’ confidence in voting by mail, his handpicked Postmaster General, Mr. DeJoy—a longtime Republican fundraiser and Trump donor—faces serious questions about politicizing the Post Office during an election year.

During his short tenure, Mr. DeJoy instituted drastic service changes to the Postal Service which caused enormous backlogs and delays in mail delivery. Only a massive public outcry from both sides of the aisle caused him to reverse his course.

And now, reports came out over the weekend alleging that Mr. DeJoy—while he was the CEO of New Breed Logistics—may have been involved in an illegal straw donor scheme in which he pressured employees into financially supporting Republican candidates, using company bonuses as reimbursement.

If these reports are true, they constitute a serious violation of campaign finance law. The House has already announced it will investigate these claims.

So it is time to state the obvious: the Postal Board of Governors should suspend Mr. DeJoy as Postmaster General while these serious allegations are under investigation.

In the middle of a pandemic, America must have faith and confidence in the post office, and those who lead it. 
