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Schumer Floor Remarks On Forcing A Vote Tonight To Reverse Trump Administration’s Gutting Of The Community Reinvestment Act

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today announced he is forcing a vote this evening to reverse the Trump administration’s gutting of the Community Reinvestment Act. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:    

Before I yield the floor, I want to be clear about one thing. Because our Republican colleagues have made such a mockery of the Supreme Court confirmation process, we are not going to have business as usual here in the Senate. Tonight, I will move to bring up a vote under the Congressional Review Act and force action on a resolution to undo the Trump administration’s gutting of the Community Reinvestment Act. This is an important fight in its own right. We should be standing up for critical civil rights laws like the Community Reinvestment Act—laws that help deliver opportunity and resources to communities of color.

The Trump Administration’s rewrite of the rule not only undermines core elements of the C.R.A, but it replaces past practices with complicated requirement that would lead to less lending in communities that need it most.

I’ve fought too hard throughout my career to lift up the protections of the C.R.A. to stand idly by as the Trump administration tries to tear them down. The window to challenge this rule under the Congressional Review Act closes today, so I’ll move to consider the resolution this evening.

Normally, we would work these votes out with the Senate majority, but their abuse of the Supreme Court process means that we will not have business as usual. Not now. Not until Republicans stop their mad dash to confirm a Supreme Court Justice mere days before a presidential election.
