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Schumer, Pelosi Joint Statement On Mitch McConnell And The White House’s Continued Months-Long Disarray And Delay

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced he would not have a final Republican proposal on a partisan COVID-19 response package until at least next week.  This months-long Republican delay ensures that this weekend, millions of Americans that rely upon Unemployment Insurance will see their benefits expire, are at risk of being evicted from their homes and could be laid off by state and local governments.
“This weekend, millions of Americans will lose their Unemployment Insurance, will be at risk of being evicted from their homes, and could be laid off by state and local government, and there is only one reason: Republicans have been dithering for months while America’s crisis deepens.
“As our country marks the grave milestone of four million infections, we call upon Leader McConnell to get serious about the needs of working families, stop the unnecessary delays and produce a proposal so that we can sit down and reach an agreement that puts workers and families first.  More than two months ago, the House of Representatives passed the Heroes Act: supporting our heroes who risk their lives to save lives and risk losing jobs, crushing the virus with the testing, tracing and treatment to reopen safely and putting money in Americans’ pockets. 
“We had expected to be working throughout this weekend to find common ground on the next COVID response package.  It is simply unacceptable that Republicans have had this entire time to reach consensus among themselves and continue to flail.  Time is of the essence and lives are being lost.”
