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Schumer, Pelosi Statement On Urgent Need For Rental Assistance

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) today issued the following joint statement on the need for Republicans to come to the table to support strong funding for rental assistance and other measures to support struggling working families:

“For millions of Americans, the start of a new month has become a day they dread.  The rent is due today, but too many families won’t be able to make payments through no fault of their own—pushing them deeper into debt and the prospect of being thrown out of their homes.  At the same time, millions face food insecurity, unsafe workplace protections, and being forced to send children to school when it is not safe to do so.
“Right now, over 40 million Americans are at risk of eviction—yet Republicans refuse to recognize the needs of working families facing the accelerating threat of eviction and skyrocketing debt.  For over 100 days, Senate Republicans have refused to take up the Heroes Act which contains robust funding for rental assistance for struggling families.  And the President has offered nothing but a weak and unworkable Executive Order that has done nothing to help working families, including many from communities of color, keep a roof over their heads.

“It’s long past time for Republicans and President Trump to stop following the returns from Wall Street and wake up to the problems of Americans living on Main Street.  Republicans must join House and Senate Democrats to respond to the growing need by doing everything in our power to keep families healthy, safe, and secure—in their own homes.”
