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Schumer Remarks At Press Conference After Senate Republicans Voted Down Repeal Of Trump Admin’s Dirty Power Scam Rule

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer today delivered the following remarks after Senate Democrats forced a vote on a Congressional Review Act Resolution to repeal the Trump administration’s so-called Affordable Clean Energy Rule. Below are his remarks, which can also be found here:

“I’m proud to be joined by my colleagues here, Senator Cardin is here, Senator Merkley, Senator Whitehouse who is floating around somewhere out there but he’s expected to join us as well, and our great environmental advocates from the LCV (The League of Conservation Voters), the National Wildlife Federation, and the Center for American Progress.

And I first want to thank Ben Cardin. It’s a tough day for him, tough day for all of us with Elijah Cummings, and I’m sure he’ll say something about it. But particular for Ben, I know how close they were. But he also, despite that, did an amazing job on this CRA resolution.

So just a few minutes ago, on the Senate floor, Senate Democrats forced a vote to repeal the Trump administration’s so-called Affordable Clean Energy Rule. This horrible rule, put out by the Trump EPA isn’t a legitimate environmental proposal, it’s a dirty power scam. Years ago, the Obama administration put in place new standard and safeguards for carbon pollution form power plants. The first of their kind intended to meet the ever growing threat of climate change.

But in July, the Trump administration did what it does best, unfortunately. They prioritized special interests over the demands of the American people and over the health of the American people. They replace critical environmental safeguards with a new rule that will allow big polluters to wreck our air, dirty our water, and poison our earth, with little or no accountability. I’ve heard my Republican colleagues say they want to return the Senate to the legislating body it once was. Well, when given the opportunity to put their money where their mouth is, and stop the roll-back of life saving environmental protections – they buckled and sided with the energy companies instead. It’s shameful.

The climate crisis is real. It demands real meaningful solutions. Repealing this destructive rule would have been a critical step in that direction. President Trump has failed to offer any proposal – any proposal – to address climate change. In almost every case, his policies, his executive actions have made the dangers of the climate crisis worse. Senate Republicans demonstrated moments ago that they’re willing just to fall right in line.

Time is running out for the United States to meet the existential threat posed by the climate crisis. Today was a setback. But a day of reckoning is coming. Many who voted for this horrible rule will continue to feel the mounting public pressure to act on the climate crisis. The American people are paying attention. And they will hold anyone who ignores the perils of climate change accountable at the ballot box.”
