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Schumer Remarks Following White House Briefing On Iran

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer today made the following remarks following the White House briefing on the ongoing situation in Iran.

“I told the president that these conflicts have a way of escalating. The president may not intend to go to war here, but we are worried that he and the administration may bumble into a war. We told the room that the Democratic position is that Congressional approval must be required before funding any conflict in Iran. One of the best ways to avoid bumbling into war, a war that nobody wants, is to have a robust, open debate and for Congress to have a real say. We learned that lesson in the run up to the Iraq War.

“We have an amendment supported by every Democrat to the NDAA in the Senate, led by Senator Udall, which would require Congressional approval of any funding for a conflict in Iran. It's supported by all Democrats in the Senate. We are asking leader McConnell to do the right thing and give us a vote next week on the NDAA on that amendment.”
