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Schumer Says McConnell-Graham Decision To Move Forward With Judiciary Committee Hearing “Reckless And Dangerous”

Brooklyn, N.Y.  Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) today released the following statement in response to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Lindsay Graham’s reckless decision to move forward with the Supreme Court Nomination Hearing:

“The decision to recess the Senate for two weeks after at least three Republican Senators have tested positive for COVID-19 makes clear that the Senate cannot proceed with business as usual as the virus continues to run rampant. If It’s too dangerous to have the Senate in session it is also too dangerous for committee hearings to continue. Leader McConnell and Chairman Graham’s monomaniacal drive to confirm Judge Barrett at all costs needlessly threatens the health and safety of Senators, staff, and all those who work in the Capitol complex. Their decision to move ‘full steam ahead’ with a Supreme Court nominee who could take away the healthcare of 20 million Americans a month before Election Day is turning an illegitimate process into a reckless and dangerous one.”
