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Schumer Statement After The Republican-Controlled Senate Confirmed Chad Wolf To Be DHS Under Secretary

Washington, D.C.U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer today released the following statement after the Republican-controlled Senate confirmed Chad Wolf to be Under Secretary for the Office of Strategy, Policy and Plans at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS):

“By confirming Chad Wolf to, in effect, serve as acting DHS Secretary, Senate Republicans have  subverted the Senate’s constitutional duty to advise and consent and potentially robbed the Senate from ever voting on a permanent Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Mr. Wolf’s troubling ties to President Trump’s disastrous family separation policy, the Muslim ban, and the national emergency declaration at the southern border should have disqualified him from serving in this de facto DHS Secretary role. It is shameful that the Trump administration and Senate Republicans are stooping to this unacceptable game of musical chairs to find people to fill critical cabinet posts.”
