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Schumer Statement Calling On Jay Clayton To Withdraw His Nomination & For The DOJ IG To Launch An Investigation Into Trump Admin. Efforts To Interfere With SDNY Investigations

Washington, D.C.— Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer today released following statement in response to the Trump administration’s late night attempted dismissal of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York and calls for Jay Clayton, the announced new SDNY Attorney nominee, to withdraw his name from consideration for the nomination to the position and for the DOJ Inspector General to launch an investigation into the blatantly corrupt DOJ interference in SDNY investigations:

“Forty seven years ago, Elliott Richardson had the courage to say no to a gross abuse of presidential power. Jay Clayton has a similar choice today: He can allow himself to be used in the brazen Trump-Barr scheme to interfere in investigations by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, or he can stand up to this corruption, withdraw his name from consideration, and save his own reputation from overnight ruin.

“Furthermore, I am calling for the Department of Justice Inspector General and the Office of Professional Responsibility to immediately launch an investigation into the reasons behind the decision by the president and the attorney general to attempt to dismiss Mr. Berman.”
