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Schumer Statement Following Vote Resolution To Restore Homeowners’ Ability To Work Around GOP Tax Law’s Cap Of Salt Deduction, Which Is Costing Homeowners Tens-Of-Thousands Of Dollars And Undermining Many Other State Tax Credits

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer today released the following statement after the Senate vote on the a resolution to nullify recent IRS rules blocking critical state workarounds to harmful state and local tax (SALT) deduction caps and restore states’ ability to work around the these caps, allowing homeowners to again fully retain their SALT deduction and many other important state tax credits:

“Today, Democrats took action to reverse the damage done by the Trump-Republican tax bill that spiked tax payments for many middle class American homeowners by eliminating the SALT deduction. The IRS’s harmful rule is just part of a cynical Republican political game that needlessly hurts state tax credits in virtually every state, impacting charitable contributions, education, home school, and many other areas. Taking away the SALT deduction was brutally unfair to America’s hard-working homeowners who bear the brunt of the Trump-Republican tax bill. While I am disappointed that this horrible rule will continue to take its toll on working families across the country, I remain committed to eliminating the harmful SALT deduction cap through any means possible.”
