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Schumer Statement on Administration’s Natural Disaster Supplemental Request

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer today released the following statement regarding the administration’s natural disaster supplemental request:

“This funding request is a good start, but those affected by Maria, Harvey, Irma and wildfires still have a long and difficult road ahead. 

“In order to speed up the road to recovery and rebuilding from the storms and wildfires, it’s imperative that Congress quickly pass additional aid including Community Development Block Grants to help communities in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and other states hit by storms and wildfires.    

“We should act on this supplemental quickly, but it should be just the beginning of Congress’ efforts to aid in rebuilding.

“However, Republicans should not put much needed aid at risk by insisting on the proposed ideological changes to the flood insurance program and forest management policy. Those changes should be debated separately from this aid package.”