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Schumer Statement On Appointment Of Robert Westbrooks To Be Executive Director Of Pandemic Response Accountability Council

Brooklyn, NY – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer today released the following statement on the appointment of Robert A. Westbrooks to be Executive Director of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC), which is one of the multiple layers of oversight established by Leader Schumer and Senate Democrats in the CARES Act to oversee the implementation of all aspects of the federal emergency relief and response for the coronavirus pandemic:

“To hold this administration accountable, we need people who are fearless and fiercely independent from this president at the helm. Mr. Westbrooks appears to have the right background and a good reputation, and I am hopeful he will be the independent watchdog the moment calls for.

With an executive director now in place, it’s time for the PRAC to get right to work and use its wide-ranging authority to ensure taxpayer dollars are spent effectively, lawfully, and without political consideration. At the top of the list is how the Trump administration fixes the lack of testing during this crisis and makes sure Americans and small businesses get the help they need, among other vital issues.”
