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Schumer Statement On New Coronavirus Relief Legislation Agreement

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer today released the following statement regarding the new agreement on the coronavirus relief legislation:

“I'm extremely pleased that the ‘Families First Coronavirus Response Act’ includes the people-focused initiatives Speaker Pelosi and I outlined earlier in the week, including paid sick leave, food security assistance, free testing for those who need it, emergency unemployment insurance, major new investments in Medicaid and more. These are the kinds of measures we need to initiate immediately to deal with many of the problems the coronavirus has created for working families.

“It was remarkably irresponsible and out of touch for Senator McConnell to send senators out of town for the weekend in the middle of this public health crisis and before the House passed this vital people-focused legislation. Senator McConnell and Republicans should pass this legislation as is immediately so it can get to the president’s desk so he can sign it right away.

“Make no mistake: this legislation is very necessary but not sufficient. There are still desperately needed steps the Trump administration must take to ensure there is enough testing and treatment for everyone who needs it, as well as other broader economic measures that Senate Democrats outlined earlier this week to help states and local communities deal with the economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak.”
