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Schumer Statement On Report That Republicans’ Healthcare Sabotage Has Resulted In Millions Fewer People With Healthcare Insurance Coverage And Skyrocketing Costs

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer today released the following statement in response to the report that the Republicans’ healthcare sabotage has resulted in millions fewer people with health insurance coverage and skyrocketing costs for American families:

“The relentless effort by Republicans to sabotage our healthcare system has resulted in millions of fewer Americans with health insurance and skyrocketing costs for American families. The American people want Congress to protect their health care and lower their costs, but Leader McConnell has buried bipartisan, House-passed bills that would do those things in his legislative graveyard, including bills like the Protecting Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions Act.

“The Trump administration has also been leading the charge to sabotage Americans’ healthcare by issuing a new rule that gives states the green light to offer junk insurance plans lacking critical protections for millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions. Senate Democrats will continue our fight against the Trump administration’s healthcare sabotage by forcing a vote this fall, under the Congressional Review Act, to save pre-existing condition protections from this harmful rule.”
