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Schumer Statement On Supreme Court Decision To Take Up DACA Case

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer today released the following statement after the Supreme Court announced it would review the Trump administration’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

“Immigrant communities across the country have lived in fear for too long after President Trump’s decision to rescind DACA and other vital programs for individuals who are American in every way except on paper. The legal grounds for the DACA program have been supported by numerous lower courts across the nation. The Supreme Court should follow suit and block the Trump administration’s heartless decision to terminate the DACA program. We urge all current DACA recipients to renew their status as soon as the time is right for them.

“Senate Democrats are pushing Leader McConnell to take up the bipartisan, House-passed American Dream and Promise Act, which would protect the Dreamers. This shouldn’t be another piece of legislation buried in Leader McConnell’s legislative graveyard. The American people have made it clear they support protections for Dreamers, and we ought to act quickly to pass the American Dream and Promise Act.” 
