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Schumer Statement On Supreme Court’s Announcement That They Will Hear Oral Arguments In GOP Healthcare Lawsuit In The Fall

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer today released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s announcement that they will hear oral arguments in a Republican lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act in the fall:

“For Americans who care about saving their health care, especially protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions, the Supreme Court’s decision to hear the case is a stark reminder of President Trump’s determination to end those protections—because any Democratic president would immediately drop this heartless Republican lawsuit. 

“Make no mistake: a big reason that the fate of these vital health care protections is in the hands of the Supreme Court is because Congressional Republicans and President Trump support the lawsuit to take health care away and haven’t lifted a finger to stop it.

“Republicans have no plan to lower health care costs and expand healthcare coverage—only a lawsuit that takes it all away. The American people deserve resolution to this Republican health care sabotage.”
