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Schumer Statement On The Nomination Of William Barr To Be US Attorney General

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer today released the following statement regarding the nomination of William Barr to be US attorney general:

“Given President Trump’s demonstrated lack of regard for the rule of law and the independence of the American justice system, his nominee for attorney general will have a steep hill to climb in order to be confirmed by the Senate. Mr. Barr must commit – at a minimum – under oath before the Senate to two important things: First, that the Special Counsel’s investigation will proceed unimpeded, and second, that the Special Counsel’s final report will be made available to Congress and the public immediately upon completion.

“Just as importantly, the Senate will also need to understand whether Mr. Barr is truly committed to protecting all of our constitutional rights and to the principle of equal justice under law. It has been many years since Mr. Barr served in government, and the Senate will need to fulfill its constitutional obligation to carefully review and consider both his record in the Reagan and Bush administrations, as well as his record in the private sector.  Once Mr. Barr’s nomination is formally sent to the Senate, we will carefully and thoroughly examine Mr. Barr’s record and probe his views on many subjects, including but not limited to his views on the independence of the position, executive authority, LGBTQ rights, civil rights, voting rights, protections for people with pre-existing conditions, the environment, consumer protection and anti-trust, and others.”  
