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Schumer: Trump Admin Sabotage Of Health Care Law Is Preventing Americans From Saving More On Premiums

Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer today released the following statement on the news that average monthly premiums for insurance plans offered through the ACA’s marketplace will see a 4-percent decline in 2020. Senator Schumer also criticized Senate Republicans for blocking legislation introduced by Democrats to further reduce health care costs for millions of Americans as they continue to pursue repeal of the Affordable Care Act in the courts.

“That health care premiums are still dropping for Americans, despite the Trump administration and Congressional Republicans’ repeated sabotage of our health care system, shows both the resiliency of the Affordable Care Act and how this GOP sabotage is directly preventing Americans from saving more money on their monthly premiums. Senate Democrats will continue to fight back against the Trump administration’s constant efforts to debilitate our healthcare law, including their efforts in Texas v. U.S. and their backward junk insurance rule. While Senate Republicans seem content to wait forever in Senator McConnell’s legislative graveyard, Democrats are fighting for healthcare solutions that will increase access to care and drive down health care costs for millions of Americans – and it is past time for Republicans to join us.”  
