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Schumer Warns China On Response To Hong Kong Protests: The World Is Watching

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer today in a statement warned Chinese President Xi Jinping that the world is watching how China responds to protests in Hong Kong and called on Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell to bring up the Hong Kong Rights and Democracy Act for debate and a vote when Congress returns to send a clear message to President Xi:

“China’s tightening grip around Hong Kong to strangle democracy and dissent is a desperate act of a brutal authoritarian regime. For months now, the people of Hong Kong have taken to the streets to stand up for their democratic rights. The American people must continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Hong Kong. 

“Arresting dissenters is not a sign of strength—only weakness, fear, and desperation. The Chinese Communist Party has broken its promise to the people of Hong Kong and has shown it does not respect fundamental human rights. President Xi must know that the world is watching how he responds and will hold China accountable for its actions in Hong Kong.”

“When the Senate returns, Majority Leader McConnell should quickly bring up for debate and a vote the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act. This is bipartisan legislation that will send a clear message to President Xi.”
