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Senate Democratic Leader Schumer Announces Return to Previous Leadership On Senate Foreign Relations & Small Business And Entrepreneurship Committees

Senator Menendez Will Resume Role as Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - Senator Ben Cardin Will Return to Senate Small Business And Entrepreneurship Committee As Ranking Member 
Committee Changes Were Ratified By The Full Senate Democratic Caucus
Washington, DC – U.S. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today announced that, in accordance with caucus rules, Senator Bob Menendez will resume his position as Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Senator Ben Cardin will resume his role as Ranking Member of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee.
“As Senator Menendez resumes his role on the SFRC, Americans will be able to count on the fact that he, as Ranking Member, has the expertise and grit needed to strike bipartisan compromises as well as stand up to the President when his rash decisions impact our national security and our allies abroad. Senator Menendez knows how to hold this Administration’s feet to the fire, and I have every confidence that he’ll be steadfast in his efforts to hold this President accountable for the foreign policy choices he makes that affect the safety and security of every American,” said Senator Schumer. “From establishing new congressional authority to review presidential agreements, to strengthening sanctions against bad actors like Russia, Iran and North Korea to defending human rights around the globe, Senator Cardin has done a truly tremendous job serving at the helm of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee these last three years. He will continue to be a strong voice on these issues. As he heads back to the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, I know Senator Cardin will be just as stalwart in his efforts to help get our economy going here at home at a time when the Trump Administration seems intent on helping only special interests while trampling on the little guy.”
“I am honored to resume my position as Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,” said Senator Menendez.  “At a time of immense global challenges, I will make certain the Committee holds President Trump and his Administration accountable for its capricious and erratic approach to foreign policy.  Now more than ever, I believe that Congress must assert its role in pursuing a robust American foreign policy that champions the values of democracy, peace, and the preservation of human rights around the globe.  As our Ranking Member, Senator Cardin has always been upfront, forthright, and unwavering in defending America’s diplomatic community and our foreign policy agenda.  I join my colleagues in commending him for his exceptional leadership and I look forward to continuing to work with him on the issues he has championed over the past several years.”
“President Trump’s erratic foreign policy that embraces dictators and maligns our allies has forced Congress to assert a greater role in foreign policy. He should be aware that our pushback  in defense of America’s national security will not waiver with this change in leadership,” said Senator Cardin. “It has been a privilege to serve the caucus in this role and I look forward to working side-by-side with Senator Menendez on the key national security challenges that lay ahead, particularly the ongoing threats from Russia. I also look forward to jumping back into the leadership of the Small Business Committee, providing a platform for the small businesses that are the economic engine of our country.”