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Senator Schumer’s Statement On The Recent Appointment Of Justin Peterson To Puerto Rico’s Financial Oversight Board

Brooklyn, N.Y. — Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) today released the following statement in response to the Trump administration’s newest appointee to Puerto Rico’s Financial Oversight Board:

“Our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico deserve leadership and advocates, including Oversight Board members that have the best interest of the people on the island in mind, not the interest of bond holders. The Trump administration’s newest appointee to the Board, Mr. Justin Peterson, has made a career out of looking out for the interests of vulture funds that own Puerto Rican debt. His appointment not only presents glaring conflicts of interest but it is yet another example of President Trump’s consistent disregard for Puerto Rico. I continue to support an overhaul of the Oversight Board so that priorities are focused on solutions that Puerto Ricans so desperately need and deserve.”
