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State Of The President’s Commitments To The American People: On Critical Issues Impacting American Families, President Trump Has Failed To Deliver


President Trump Promised “Insurance For Everybody” And “A Much Better Health Care Plan At Much Less Money.”

Then-President Elect Donald Trump: “’We’re going to have insurance for everybody.” [Washington Post, 1/15/17]

President Donald Trump: “We're going to have a much better health care plan at much less money.” [ABC News, 1/25/17]

Failed To Deliver: The Trump Administration Has Repeatedly Supported Legislation To Gut Health Protections And Dramatically Increase The Number Of Americans Who Are Uninsured.

Gallup: U.S. Uninsured Rate Rises To Four-Year High. “The U.S. adult uninsured rate stood at 13.7% in the fourth quarter of 2018, according to Americans' reports of their own health insurance coverage, its highest level since the first quarter of 2014.” [Gallup, 1/23/19]

Washington Post: Republicans’ Claim Of Health-Care Protection Flies In The Face Of Reality. “President Trump and Republicans repeatedly say that they are protecting Americans with preexisting medical conditions. It’s a false claim that flies in the face of the reality of the past eight years. The Trump administration is part of a lawsuit to invalidate the Affordable Care Act’s core protection for people with preexisting conditions such as cancer, diabetes or even a pregnancy.” [Washington Post, 11/2/18]


President Trump Promised That The Republican Tax Law Would Be A “Middle Class Miracle”

President Donald Trump:  “Under our plan, middle-class families will not only see their tax bill go down; they will see their incomes go up by an average of around $4,000.” [Remarks in St. Louis, 11/29/17]

President Donald Trump: “My fellow Americans, this is the right tax cut, and this is the right time.  Democrats and Republicans in Congress should come together, finally, to deliver this giant win for the American people and begin middle-class miracle — it’s called a middle-class miracle, once again.  It’s also called a miracle for our great companies; a miracle for the middle class, for the working person.” [Remarks by President Trump at Tax Reform Event, 9/27/17]

Failure to Deliver: The Trump-Republican Tax Law Has Overwhelmingly Benefitted The Wealthiest Few While the Middle Class Has Been Left Behind

Reuters: $1.5 Trillion U.S. Tax Cut Has No Major Impact On Business Capex Plans: Survey.The Trump administration’s $1.5 trillion cut tax package appeared to have no major impact on businesses’ capital investment or hiring plans, according to a survey released a year after the biggest overhaul of the U.S. tax code in more than 30 years.” [Reuters, 1/28/19]

CNN Business: The Tax Cut Investment 'Boom' Is Already Over. Some Say It Never Really Started. “Proponents of the 2017 tax law predicted it would set off a wave of spending by American businesses. It did — just not the kind economists hoped for. Corporate America rewarded investors by rolling out $1 trillion of stock buybacks in 2018. Yet a lasting boom in job-creating investments has yet to materialize.” [CNN Business, 1/23/19]

AP Fact Check: Trump’s ‘Middle-Class Miracle’ Favors Wealthy. “— You wouldn’t know it from President Donald Trump’s rhetoric, but the tax overhaul coming into effect is heavily tilted to the rich.” [AP, 12/21/17]


President Trump Promised “You'll Have Plants Coming Into This Country.” … “You Won’t Lose One Plant”

Then-Candidate Trump: “If I'm elected, you won't lose one plant. You'll have plants coming into this country. You're going to have jobs again. You won't lose one plant. I promise you. I promise you that.” [Warren, Michigan Rally Remarks, 10/31/16]

President Trump: “General Motors is investing $1 billion in U.S. plants, adding or keeping 7,000 jobs. And it's going to be investing a lot more than that over the next fairly short period.” [Listening Session with Manufacturing CEOs, 2/23/17]

Failed To Deliver – Too Many Americans Are Seeing Jobs They Were Promised By President Trump Disappear.

Washington Post: GM Layoffs And Plant Shutdowns Suggest U.S. Economy May Be Starting To Slow — And Dent Trump’s Claim Of An Industrial Renaissance. “General Motors said Monday it will close five factories and lay off nearly 15,000 workers in a move that shows the economy may be starting to slow and dents President Trump’s claim to be leading a renaissance for industrial America.” [WaPo, 11/26/18]

Reuters:  President Trump Can't Stop U.S. Coal Plants From Retiring.  “More U.S. coal-fired power plants were shut in President Donald Trump’s first two years than were retired in the whole of Barack Obama’s first term, despite the Republican’s efforts to prop up the industry to keep a campaign promise to coal-mining states.” [Reuters, 1/14/19]


President Trump Repeatedly Promised That Mexico Would Pay For His Unnecessary, Expensive Wall.

Then-Candidate Donald Trump: Do you know how easy that is? They'll probably just give us the money. But then I watch politicians get on -- because it's not their thing, Sean. I watch politicians come one, Can you imagine, Sean, he's saying Mexico's going to pay. They'll never pay. And I'm saying, that's like 100 percent.” [Fox News Hannity, 8/11/15]

Then-Candidate Donald Trump:
TRUMP: “And by the way -- by the way, 100 percent. You know, the politicians say they'll never pay -- 100 percent!”
HANNITY: “They're not going write us a check...”
TRUMP: “They'll pay. They'll pay, in one form or another. They may even write us a check by the time they see what happens.” [Fox News, 4/13/16]

Then-Candidate Donald Trump:  “We are going to build the wall 100 percent and Mexico is going to pay for the wall, don't worry about it.” [Campaign Remarks in Geneva, OH, 10/27/16]

Failure to Deliver: President Trump Shut Down The Government Over The Unnecessary, Expensive Wall He Repeatedly Insisted That Mexico Would Pay For.

Politico: Exclusive: Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over Border Wall Funding “Nine days ahead of a deadline that could trigger a partial government shutdown, with no solution in sight, the president told POLITICO in an Oval Office interview on Tuesday that he is unflinchingly firm Congress must send him a bill approving $5 billion for his wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and that he would ‘totally be willing’ to shut down the government if he doesn't get it.” [Politico, 11/28/18]

Washington Post: Trump Threatens Years-Long Shutdown For His Wall As GOP Support Begins To Fracture. “President Trump warned Friday that the partial government shutdown could go on for months or even years, delivering no real breakthrough with congressional leaders as his own administration scrambled to shore up support among Republicans for a gambit that has started to fracture.” [Washington Post, 1/4/19]
