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The Results Are In: Across The Country, Senate Democrats Are Delivering COVID Relief For The American People With The American Rescue Plan

Johnstown Tribune-Democrat (PA): 'Hope On The Horizon': Casey Details Relief Bill; Local Leaders Say They Work Together To ‘Put The Virus Behind Us’ NBC29 (VA): Senator Mark Warner On How The American Rescue Plan Benefits Virginia Auburn Citizen (NY): Schumer: Cayuga County Colleges Get Nearly $8.5M In Federal COVID-19 Aid. WABE Atlanta (GA): Ossoff Credits Georgians With COVID-19 Relief Package: ‘Thank You To Georgia Voters For Making This Possible’


AZ Central: Sens. Sinema, Kelly vote for Biden $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill. “Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly of Arizona joined with their Democratic colleagues Saturday to pass the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package.” [AZ Central, 3/6/21]

FOX10 Phoenix: Arizona senators vote to approve $1.9T COVID-19 relief bill. “Sinema called the legislation a ‘rescue plan that will save lives and livelihoods, and lay the foundation for a full economic recovery,’ while Kelly said it provides ‘key Arizona priorities’ such as extended unemployment insurance benefits and money to help schools open and keep businesses going.” [FOX10 Phoenix, 3/7/21]

KOLD: Sinema and Kelly say secured COVID relief bill will benefit many Arizona families. “Today, the U.S. Senate narrowly secured a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package on a 50-49 vote. The bill is now set for congressional approval by the House, and will then be sent to President Joe Biden for signature. All this is said to take place next week, and it’s great news for many Arizonans who have been struggling through the pandemic.” [KOLD, 3/6/21]

KGUN: What the new stimulus will bring you and governments. “In a Zoom meeting with constituents, Arizona Senator Mark Kelly shared more about the plan. ‘It's going to cut taxes for working families. It's going to extend those increased unemployment benefits. It's going to get our state additional funding for vaccine distribution. It’s going to help small businesses stay afloat, and is going to provide the funding that schools need to open safely.’” [KGUN, 3/12/21]



KCBS: Senator Padilla says latest Covid-19 relief package 'will truly help' Californians. “California’s newest United States Senator says that the latest round of federal Covid-19 relief will provide a much-needed boost to the state. As KCBS Radio's Mike DeWald reports, Senator Alex Padilla says the package will provide funds to local governments for the first time.” [KCBS, 3/5/21]

Fontana Daily News: Senate approves Biden's huge stimulus bill which includes $1,400 checks for most taxpayers. “‘After over a year of battling the COVID-19 pandemic, which has taken such a devastating toll on families, small businesses and communities across our state, we are delivering another major relief package that will finally help California turn the corner,’ said Padilla. ‘I am proud that the American Rescue Plan will deliver overdue relief to families and communities, lift millions of children out of poverty, and speed up vaccinations so we can defeat this pandemic. But our work is not done. In the weeks and months ahead, we must do more than just provide short-term relief; we must also help our state fully and equitably recover from this pandemic.’” [Fontana Daily News, 3/8/21]

KTVU: Bay Area leaders eye different items of COVID-19 stimulus bill. “Earlier this week, Senator Alex Padilla (D-CA) held a call to speak about the bill. He supported adding a $15 an hour wage amendment, first introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT). It was ultimately shot down by Republicans and a handful of Democrats.” [KTVU, 3/7/21]



CBS Denver:  Sen. Michael Bennet Secures $100 Billion In Child Tax Credits To Help Lift Families Out Of Poverty. “Starting this summer, almost every family in Colorado will receive monthly checks of at least $250 for a year. You can thank Sen. Michael Bennet. A child tax credit bill Colorado’s senior senator introduced 5 years ago was included in the American Recovery Act that President Biden just signed into law.[CBS Denver,  3/13/21

Western Slope Now: Bennet, Colorado Leaders Celebrate Senate Passage of Expanded Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan. “‘I’ve met with parents across Colorado who tell me the paychecks they bring home aren’t enough to support their families, especially as the costs of child care, health care, housing, and higher education continue to rise,’ said Bennet. ‘The American Rescue Plan addresses a problem we don’t discuss enough—child poverty—by cutting it in half. I can think of nothing more at war with who we are as Americans than allowing kids to grow up in poverty. This tax credit will transform the lives of millions of Coloradans during this crisis and afterward.’” [Western Slope, 3/12/21]

Real Vail: Hickenlooper highlights COVID relief money for local towns, Eagle County. “The office of U.S. Sen. John Hickenlooper on Thursday highlighted the local money for Eagle County in the American Rescue Plan — a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package signed into law Thursday by President Joe Biden and supported in the Senate by both Hickenlooper and Sen. Michael Bennet.” [Real Vail, 3/12/21]



WTNH: ‘As a restaurant, we really need it’: restaurant industry to receive some much-needed relief from American Rescue Plan. “‘Every restaurant on this street in West Hartford, on streets in Hartford, in Torrington, all around the state and the country can get these grants,’ explained U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal. ‘The money can be used for supplies, food orders, payroll, rent, utilities, repairs. I looked at the list, it’s almost anything.’” [WTNH, 3/12/21]

We-Ha: West Hartford Restaurant Owners Herald Needed Relief from American Rescue Plan Act Funds. “Puka expressed his thanks to U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal for supporting the American Rescue Plan Act. The senator met with DORO’s owners and visited Zohara at noon Friday, along with Mayor Shari Cantor and Connecticut Restaurant Association Executive Director Scott Dolch, to speak about the American Rescue Plan, and specifically the Restaurant Revitalization Fund.” [We-Ha, 3/13/21]

WTNH: CT delegation pushing for passage of latest COVID relief bill, talks what it means for our state. “‘It is going to power our economy back to nearly full employment,’ said U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT). ‘It is going to save literally thousand of businesses right here in the greater New Haven area.’” [WTNH,  3/8/21]

WFSB: State leaders detail plans for pandemic relief package money. “‘We’re going to need to make sure that all of those kids that have been chronically absent, the kids who haven’t signed on to online learning, who haven’t shown up to in-person learning, we get them into summer programs so we can assess their emotional and education wellbeing, so we can reset them for the up and coming school year when we’re hoping things will be back to normal,’ Murphy said.” [WFSB, 3/8/21]

WFSB: Lawmakers, local leaders talk about how COVID relief bill will impact cities, towns. “‘What it will mean to the people of Connecticut is vaccines in arms, children back into schools safely, money in people's pockets,’ Blumenthal said. ‘It's going to lift half of the kids living in poverty in neighborhoods that surround City Hall out of poverty. That's extraordinary,’ Murphy added.” [WFSB, 3/8/21]



Dover Post: Carper applauds passage of American Rescue Plan. “‘I have long said — and President Biden knows — that the only way to really get our economy back on track and life back to normal for the American people is to put this pandemic in our rearview mirror once and for all,’ said Carper.” [Dover Post, 3/9/21]

WITN 22: Coons-backed American Rescue Plan to deliver billions in federal funding for Delawareans. “‘The American Rescue Plan is what Delaware and our country need at this moment,’ Coons said. ‘Parents and kids are struggling as schools remain disrupted. Service sector workers are enduring prolonged joblessness. Restaurant owners are wondering whether the business will survive. The American Rescue Plan puts the full force of the federal government behind ending this pandemic and helping Delawareans recover.’” [WITN 22, 3/10/21]



AJC: Ossoff, Warnock join Senate Democrats in approving sweeping COVID-19 relief bill. “The latest and highest-profile example of the difference Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock’s elections made in Congress happened Saturday afternoon when the U.S. Senate approved a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package. Without the Georgia senators, Democrats would not have had enough votes to pass a package of that size or packed with as many of party leaders’ priorities.” [AJC, 3/6/21]

WCTV: Georgia Senators Warnock, Ossoff vote in favor of passing $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill. “In the release, the senators said that, ‘The legislation will ensure COVID-19 vaccines are free and available for every American, provide stimulus checks and tax credits worth thousands of dollars for working- and middle-class families, and deliver more than $4 billion to safely re-open Georgia’s public schools.’ The bill is said to provide over $4 billion to public schools and $8 billion to state and local government in Georgia alone.” [WCTV, 3/6/21]

WSBTV: Georgia's new US Senators help pass $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief plan. “‘$8 billon dollars to our state and local governments right here in Georgia. Some $4 billion dollars to reopen schools. $5 billion dollars for farmers of color and $2 billion to finally expand Medicare. So help is on the way. Relief is right around the corner,’ Warnock said. ‘The United States is turning the corner when it comes to the pandemic. This bill when it becomes law will provide thousands of dollars in economic relief to families in Georgia,’ Ossoff said.” [WSBTV, 3/6/21]

CBS46: Warnock and Ossoff return to Georgia after passage of COVID-19 stimulus bill. “The recently-elected Senators noted the positive economic impact the newest COVID-19 relief legislation will have for the state of Georgia. Among the allocations the Senators mentioned were $8 billion to the state and local governments of Georgia, $4 billion to aid in the reopening of schools, $5 billion nationally for farmers of color, and $2 billion to the state for Medicaid expansion.” [CBS46, 3/6/21]

The Atlanta Voice: Senators Ossoff and Reverend Warnock play key roles in passage of COVID relief bill. “‘Today’s passage of bold relief legislation is exactly what Georgians had in mind when they sent me to the Senate to help our state recover from the devastation of this once-in-a-century pandemic and corresponding economic downturn. For months, families and communities across the nation have been waiting for the substantive federal assistance they need to pay their rent, buy food and medicine, safely reopen all of our schools and keep essential workers on the job—and because of Georgia, that help is finally just around the corner,’ said Warnock in a statement.” [The Atlanta Voice, 3/6/21]

Georgia Recorder: Senate advances coronavirus relief aid with help of Ossoff and Warnock. “Both Georgia U.S. Sens. Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock voted in favor of the bill and many supporters of the Biden administration proposal pointed to the state’s historic Senate runoff in January as paving the way for today’s narrow passage.” [Georgia Recorder, 3/6/21]

WABE Atlanta: Ossoff Credits Georgians With COVID-19 Relief Package: ‘Thank You To Georgia Voters For Making This Possible’. “One of Georgia’s newest U.S. Senators emphatically stands behind the new, $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package. Sen. Jon Ossoff also credited Georgia voters with making the nationwide aid a reality saying, ‘If we had not won those two runoff elections in January, we could not have passed this legislation.’” [WABE Atlanta, 3/11/21]

FOX28 Savannah: Senator Ossoff explains how American Rescue Plan will help Georgians. “‘The CARES Act aid went to the state, the governor’s office and mostly to the city of Atlanta. Smaller localities did not get direct aid. We’ve banded together to fix that to ensure that not just the smaller cities like Savannah and Rome and Augusta, but also counties and smaller towns will get this direct support,’ Ossoff said.” [Fox28 Savannah, 3/10/21]



Maui Now: Hirono: American Rescue Plan Will Deliver Urgently-Needed Relief to Struggling Hawai‘i Families. “Senator Mazie Hirono today voted in favor of the American Rescue Plan, comprehensive COVID relief legislation that she said will provide billions of dollars in aid and support to Hawai?i families and communities.” [Maui Now, 3/6/21]

Star-Advertiser: Hawaii to receive over $6.1B in federal funds. “U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz said the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package passed Saturday by the Senate and poised for imminent passage in the House will provide over $6.1 billion in estimated funding for Hawaii.” [Star-Advertiser, 3/9/21

Hawaii News Now: Schatz explains benefits Hawaii residents can expect under the new COVID relief package. “Sen. Brian Schatz voted to pass a new $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package Saturday that includes at least $6.1 billion in estimated funding for Hawaii. ‘Billions of dollars are coming to Hawaii to help families and small businesses. This new package will deliver immediate help to people who have lost their job or can’t make their rent. It provides funding for schools and health care and will give our state more resources to get people vaccinated,’ said Schatz.” [Hawaii News Now, 3/6/21]

KHON2: $6B coming to Hawaii in federal COVID-19 relief bill. “U.S. Senators Brian Schatz and Mazie Hirono were among several lawmakers to vote on a bill that would offer $1.9 trillion in COVID-19 funding. If the bill passes, Hawaii could get $6.1 billion in the American Rescue Plan Act, of which a portion would go toward bolstering state and local budgets that have sustained significant tax revenue loss due to the pandemic.” [KHON2, 3/6/21]

KITV4: Sen. Schatz hopeful Hawai'i could reach economic stability by summer with new Covid-19 relief bill. “According to Hawaii U.S. Senator Brian Schatz, roughly $6 billion would be earmarked for Hawai'i. That money would go toward things like rent and mortgage relief, education, and unemployment. ‘There are two pots of money for unemployment insurance. One pot of money is to provide resources to the unemployed -- that's the $500 million. But there's also a separate pot of money to upgrade the IT system at the Department of Labor,’ Schatz said.  Senator Schatz is hopeful the bill could help Hawai'i reach a point of economic stability as early as the summer.” [KITV4, 3/8/21]



Capitol News Illinois: Democratic Illinois officials applaud passage of federal stimulus package. “According to U.S. Sens. Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, both Democrats, the bill will send $7.5 billion directly to the state of Illinois. It also provides another $5.5 billion for city and county governments in the state as well as another $5 billion for Illinois K-12 schools. ‘I am grateful to Senators Durbin, Duckworth, and our congressional delegation for making sure Congress took bold, swift action,’ Illinois House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch, D-Hillside, said in a statement.” [Capitol News Illinois, 3/10/21]

WMAQ: Duckworth, Durbin Detail How $1.9T Stimulus Will Help Illinois, Chicago. “Sens. Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth, both Democrats from Illinois, hailed the legislation as key to helping the state and the nation heal from the impacts that the coronavirus pandemic has had over the last 12 months. In a statement, Duckworth and Durbin laid out how the funding will be distributed to state residents, including a series of funding initiatives to help the state battle the pandemic.” [WMAQ, 3/11/21]

WGLT: Durbin, Duckworth Tout Billions For Illinois In COVID Relief Package. “Illinois' Democratic senators are touting billions in federal dollars that would come back to the state if the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package wins final passage. Sens. Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth supported the relief package as it passed the Senate on Saturday.” [WGLT, 3/7/21]

WMBD Peoria: U.S. Senator Dick Durbin says American Rescue Plan provides relief for Illinois. “On Sunday, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) said it’s going to improve public health in Illinois and boost the economy. Durbin says the ‘American Rescue Plan’ includes $275 million for vaccine distribution in Illinois.” [WMBD Peoria, 3/7/21]

WICS: Lawmakers applaud COVID-19 relief bill passage. “‘Relief is coming to hardworking families all across Illinois because of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan,' Duckworth said. ‘Working together, Senator Durbin and I helped secure billions in investments that will boost our state’s vaccination efforts and testing availability while also delivering the support our working families, childcare programs, transportation systems, schools and small businesses need to get through this pandemic. These investments meet the moment and will help end this deadly pandemic.’” [WICS, 3/6/21]

WSIL: Illinois Democrats applaud $1.9 trillion stimulus bill. “Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Illinois) says working families desperately need this relief, as many have fallen behind throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. She says the plan can cut the rate of childhood poverty by nearly 50%. The legislation increases the country’s child tax credit from $1,000 to $6,000.” [WSIL, 3/10/21]



WABI 5: Senator Angus King says provision in latest relief bill will help support restaurants. “Senator Angus King says a provision in the latest COVID relief bill will help support restaurants in Maine and around the country. $28.6 billion will go to help restaurants struggling due to the pandemic. The provision mirrors the fund created in the RESTAURANTS ACT that King cosponsored when it was introduced last summer. ‘I think the rescue act will be a lifeline for restaurants, particularly the independent ones and the full service restaurants, that have really been hit hard, and it’s just so exciting, and we’re so appreciative for Senator King's leadership. It certainly speaks to his Maine entrepreneurship and independence and we feel very much respected and heard by our senator,’ said Susan Stephenson, who owns Pepino’s in downtown Bangor.” [WABI 5, 3/15/21]

Maine Public: Maine Will Get At Least $100 Million For Broadband In Pandemic Relief Package, King Says. “Independent Senator Angus King says Maine will get at least $100 million in funding for broadband improvements as part of $10 billion that's been set aside for that purpose in the new $1.9 trillion federal pandemic relief package. King — a long-time proponent of major investments in broadband — says the federal funding will significantly change Maine’s economy by allowing more companies to locate here and luring professionals that can work from home.” [Maine Public, 3/12/21]

Maine Biz: Key takeaways for Maine businesses in the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill. “Following negotiations between the White House and Senate leaders including U.S. Sen. Angus King, I-Maine, the plan includes $10 billion in funding for broadband as well as $7 billion to close the digital divide for students. King, co-chair of the Senate Broadband Caucus, called it the largest congressional broadband advancement in history and estimates that at least $100 million is headed to Maine.” [Maine Biz, 3/11/21]



WBAL: Cardin: Economists agree ‘economy is nowhere near back to where it was pre-COVID’. “‘The money will be used to not only deal with the direct cost related to COVID-19 but to deal with the problems of trying and catch up for students and provide the technology that they need,’ says Cardin. The funds will also ‘provide the after school and summer programs that will be necessary in order for students to catch up on what they lost to COVID-19.’” [WBAL, 3/9/21]

The Baltimore Sun: Massive national COVID relief bill a ‘lifeline’ for Baltimore, mayor says. “‘This is my 15th year and I don’t know of a more important bill that we passed,’ said U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin, a Democrat from Baltimore. ‘The aid to Baltimore City is unprecedented. We have not had a bill that provides such a significant amount of help to our urban centers.’” [The Baltimore Sun, 3/10/21]

The Baltimore Sun: Biden signs $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill; Anne Arundel expected to receive $112M, Annapolis could get $6M. “‘We fought for this bill because it is going to bring real, concrete relief to Maryland and our nation at a time when we need it most. This pandemic is far from over,’ Cardin said in a statement.” [The Baltimore Sun, 3/11/21]

WMAR: Critical funding and resources coming to Maryland thanks to COVID relief bill. “Maryland Senators Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin hosted a zoom press conference Monday, detailing the resources coming to our state. ‘As of know Maryland we believe will get $3.9 billion. Counties will get over a billion about 1.1 billion. Municipalities about 1.1 billion. Just to give you an example this is something Senator Cardin and I worked very hard for. Baltimore City will receive over $600 million.’ Senator Van Hollen says this money is more flexible than the funds from the Care Act.” [WMAR, 3/8/21]

The Afro: New Covid-19 relief legislation and support for families with children. “‘The tax credit provides a significant relief to families’ Maryland Senator Ben Cardin said this week as the House of Representatives deliberated the package. ‘Emergencies like this (Covid-19) are when government can best bring together the resources that will make a positive difference in peoples’ lives. The provisions for the child tax credit included in this bill will cut the child poverty rate in half,’ Cardin enthusiastically added.” [The Afro, 3/11/21]

MD Matters: Md. Senators Outline Where Federal Relief Funds Will Go. “Maryland Sens. Chris Van Hollen (D) and Benjamin L. Cardin (D) outlined how the relief effort will help Marylanders, local governments and businesses in a Friday release. ‘From direct payments to Marylanders working to make ends meet, to an expansion of the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit that will lift thousands of Marylanders out of poverty, the American Rescue Plan is the bold relief our state needs at this moment’, Van Hollen said in the release.” [MD Matters, 3/12/21

WMDT/ABC47: Sen. Van Hollen says American Rescue Plan will have a big impact on Marylanders. “Thursday President Joe Biden officially signed the American Rescue Plan Act into law. ‘The American Rescue Plan provides support in three big buckets. One, directly to individuals and families, another to small businesses and others that have been hurting especially. But also, importantly, to local government,’ said U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen.” [WMDT/ABC47, 3/11/21

Star-Democrat: Van Hollen: Biden pandemic program helps with child care conundrums. “U.S. Sen. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., also likes the direct support Biden’s pandemic package offers to households hit hard by job losses and pay cuts, as well as money to help schools reopen classrooms and for preschools to stay in business. ‘There is direct relief for child care centers so they can continue operations,’ Van Hollen said” [Star-Democrat, 3/13/21

WMDT: Sen. Van Hollen and town discuss COVID-19 relief efforts. “U.S. Maryland Senator, Chris Van Hollen joined Maryland’s virtual town hall meeting to address priorities for the state. A main topic was ways to defeat COVID-19. State officials and the senator discussed ways in which the state can use funding to help get through the rest of this pandemic. The meeting touched on direct relief for families and workers, defining essential workers, state wide access to water, and their direct efforts to work with the state treasury department.” [WMDT, 3/12/21



Western Mass News: Sen. Markey speaks out on how he plans to address educational inequality. “‘12 million students in the United States, who a year into this pandemic, still do not have internet access at home and are unable to participate in online learning,’ he said. ‘I'm proud to say the American Rescue Plan includes my Emergency Educational Connections Act. With more than $7 billion in distance learning funding to ensure that all K-12 students have the internet and tools they need to continue their education online.’" [Western Mass News, 3/12/21]

Boston Globe: With stimulus, federal government makes a massive investment in child care. “A smaller federal stimulus package, passed in December, should deliver $130 million to Massachusetts well before the latest package lands. Between that package and the American Rescue Plan, the national investment in child care approximates the eye-popping $50 billion that advocates like Clark and US Senator Elizabeth Warren, both of Massachusetts, had pushed for, but that seemed overly optimistic for an industry long overlooked.” [Boston Globe, 3/14/21]

Mass Live: Third stimulus checks: 3.1 million Massachusetts households will receive payments totaling nearly $7.4 billion. “Warren touted a range of other wins for the country and Massachusetts in Biden’s plan, including nearly $3 billion in emergency funding to schools and higher education institutions and ‘the largest federal investment in child care and early learning since World War II.’” [Mass Live, 3/11/21]

Salem News: State gets big windfall from relief package. “Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Cambridge, echoed those sentiments in a statement, saying ‘it's a powerful bill that will make a real difference.’ ‘Democrats have passed a historic relief package that will make a real difference to expand vaccines, safely reopen schools, and help Massachusetts families make ends meet,’ she said.” [Salem News, 3/12/21]



WWMT: US Sen. Gary Peters says American Rescue Plan would give urgent relief to Michiganders. “During the news conference Peters said the bill would extend unemployment benefits until August and enhance payments by $400 a week. If Congress fails to pass the bill those extended benefits would expire March 14, 2021. ‘Just over the last month unemployment claims have actually increased in Michigan. We want to make sure we give folks the financial stability of knowing they have some security for a few months as opposed to a few days,’ Peters said.” [WWMT, 3/4/21]

WLNS: Stabenow, Peters react to historic $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill. “Senator Debbie Stabenow: ‘Michigan families have been through so much this past year just trying to keep their families safe, educate their children at home and survive the financial challenges of this health pandemic. They need and deserve to know that their government has their back. The American Rescue Plan does just that. The Plan we just passed will get vaccines into people’s arms, provide direct financial help for people to survive the pandemic and help return students safely back to school and so much more.’ Senator Gary Peters: ‘The American Rescue Plan will make a difference for Michiganders by providing robust relief to get through this unprecedented public health and economic crisis. With $1,400 stimulus checks and critical investments to help schools safely reopen and accelerate vaccine distribution, this relief will provide a massive shot in the arm of Michiganders and Americans across the country. We are seeing reasons for hope with the increase in vaccines, but we cannot let up. We must work to get this package signed into law quickly — this virus does not take a day off, and neither can we.’” [WLNS, 3/6/21]



Star Tribune: Virus relief package a 'lighthouse' for Duluth restaurants and bars. "‘I want to be able to come here in a month or two and see more people,’ Sen. Amy Klobuchar said Sunday afternoon as she stopped at the Boat Club restaurant. ‘And if we're going to do that, we need to make sure it stays open.’ Klobuchar also visited the Block Food & Drink in St. Louis Park on Sunday to talk up the $1.9 trillion relief package. In Duluth, she said she wants the industry to make it through the pandemic ‘so we're not dug so deep in this hole that we can't bounce back when things get better.’" [Star Tribune, 3/15/21]

Duluth News Tribune: Klobuchar visits Duluth to promote American Rescue Plan. “Lindbeck, a mother of two, shared a little bit of her story at a press event at The Boat Club with U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar and Duluth Mayor Emily Larson on Sunday. Lindbeck said that business was starting to pick back up after the last shutdown from November to January, but that she was looking forward to receiving help from the American Rescue Plan, which President Joe Biden signed on Thursday.” [Duluth News Tribune, 3/14/21]

WDIO:  Sen. Klobuchar highlights American Rescue Plan during visit to the Boat Club in Duluth. “Sen. Amy Klobuchar highlighted the importance of the American Rescue Plan at the Boat Club in Duluth Sunday afternoon. Klobuchar, a major proponent of the plan, mentioned how 50,000 restaurant workers have lost their jobs amid the pandemic and how there are 28 billion dollars in grants available to restaurants and bars. However, she also said the most important part of the bill is the money allocated for vaccine distribution.” [WDIO, 3/14/21]

Fox 21 Online:  Sen. Amy Klobuchar Talks Grants For Restaurants, More Aspects of American Rescue Plan in Duluth Visit. “As stimulus checks start landing in the accounts of Americans this weekend, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar stopped by Duluth today to talk with the mayor and restaurant owners about the federal aid they’ll now receive from the American Rescue Plan. It’s a part of President Biden’s new COVID relief bill called the Restaurants Act. ‘This is focused on us,’ said restaurant owner Jason Vincent. ‘It’s focused on the business that we have here in the Northland.’” [Fox 21 Online, 3/14/21]

KAAL TV: Sen. Amy Klobuchar proud American Rescue Plan passes Congress. “Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar says the first step to ensuring a new normal is making sure people get vaccinated. ‘It will only happen if we make sure we get the vaccine and we have the funding to do it and if we follow the rules as we head toward what I call a transition. We'll start having more and more people vaccinated, especially in a town like Rochester with all the healthcare workers but we're still going to have some people that aren’t. And so we're still going to follow the rules and there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.’” [KAAL TV, 3/10/21]

KIMT:  Sen. Klobuchar: approval of COVID-19 relief bill marks 'great day' for Rochester, all of Minnesota. “Sen. Amy Klobuchar said Wednesday marked a great day for Rochester and all of Minnesota with the passage of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan through both chambers of congress. The senator tells KIMT News 3 the past year has been difficult for many, and the relief package provides necessary funding to ensure Americans have what they need to make it through the pandemic. Klobuchar highlights the bill's support of resources to safely reopen schools, direct aid to those in need, and administer vaccines quickly.” [KIMT, 3/10/21]

CBS3 Duluth:  Sen. Klobuchar sees COVID relief package as a win for Northern Minnesota. “On Wednesday, Senator Amy Klobuchar said this highly-anticipated piece of legislation will have big impacts in the Northland, as another $1,400 is on its way to Americans. Senator Klobuchar says it will be a big help for both people and businesses that have been hurt. ‘We don't want to be digging ourselves deeper and deeper into a hole so that when we are through this pandemic, which we know is going to happen this summer as we get the vaccines available for everyone by May, we want to be in a strong position,’ said Sen. Klobuchar.” [CBS3 Duluth, 3/10/21]

KVRR TV: $31 Billion Included For Indigenous Americans In COVID Relief Package. “Senator Tina Smith, a Minnesota Democrat, said, ‘We can see every single day that this pandemic has not been the great equalizer. It has affected most the people who are already at risk and already dealing with real challenges.’ According to Smith, a member of the Senate Indian Affairs committee, Indigenous Americans who contract COVID are four times more likely than non-Hispanic white Americans to be hospitalized and two times more likely to die from it.” [KVRR TV, 3/14/21]


KTVH: K-12 schools in Montana getting $400M from Covid-19 relief bill. “Montana’s K-12 public schools will get a whopping $382 million from the federal Covid-19 relief bill signed into law Thursday – and private and home schools will get nearly $13 million as well. U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., who supported the bill, said Friday the money will help schools ‘fully re-open for in-person learning’ and get students back on the proper learning track.” [KTVH, 3/12/21]

Billings Gazette: Tester, mayors see Montana need for COVID relief package. “‘The bottom line is that this package will allow us to get this virus under control, get folks back to work, fully re-open our schools and reopen our economy,’ Tester said. ‘And as soon as it’s signed into law, we’ve got to make sure this relief fund makes it in to the hands of Montanans as quickly as possible and that we provide strict oversight over these programs so we can eliminate any waste, fraud or abuse.’” [Billings Gazette, 3/9/21]

Daily Inter Lake: Covid relief bill includes funding for Empire Builder. “Legislation to fund the passenger train service proposed by Sen. Jon Tester, D-Montana, was included in the Senate’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill approved Saturday. The legislation provides up to $166 million to reinstate furloughed Amtrak employees and restore daily service on the carrier's long-distance passenger routes.” [Daily Inter Lake, 3/6/21]

Montana Free Press: New round of federal COVID-19 aid means billions for Montana. “‘This is a targeted bill that will help Montanans get a vaccine free of charge, and this bill will provide critical relief to families, to businesses, to veterans and much, much more,’ Tester said in a video statement after the bill cleared the U.S. Senate. ‘It’s going to help get folks back to work, it’s going to get kids in school safely, and it’s going to help our economy recover as soon as possible.’” [Montana Free Press, 3/10/21]



KLAS: What’s in the American Rescue Plan for you and Nevada? “Nevada Democratic Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto worked to secure a subsidy to cover the full cost of COBRA health insurance premiums for unemployed or furloughed workers.” [KLAS, 3/10/21]

Las Vegas Review Journal: Nevada to get more than $4.5B in COVID relief bill. “‘This funding will be a lifeline for Nevada’s state and local governments whose budgets have been devastated by the coronavirus pandemic and will keep educators, health workers and first responders on the job,’ said Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nev” … “Cortez Masto and Rosen said the Senate upped that amount to $750 million, which would be distributed by the Economic Development Administration.” [Las Vegas Review Journal, 3/9/21] 

KSNV: Nevada to get billions in COVID relief package. “We learned today more than $4 billion is headed to Nevada, says Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nevada. ‘State and local government were having a difficult time funding those essential services. Again, our main revenue source is our hospitality industry in this state, and it was devastated by this pandemic.’”  [KSNV, 3/9/21]

KDWN: Nevada Would Receive $4.1 Billion from Latest Pandemic Relief. “Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, D-Nevada, said Tuesday that Nevada would receive that amount in state and local funding. ‘This funding will be a lifeline for Nevada’s state and local governments whose budgets have been devastated by the coronavirus pandemic, and will keep educators, health care workers and first responders on the job,’ Cortez Masto said in a statement.”  [KDWN, 3/9/21] 

KXNT: Nevada's share of Covid relief bill: $4.1B. “Nevada will be getting just over $4B from the recently passed Covid relief bill. Nevada U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto announced that the state will receive over $4.1 billion in state and local funding from the so-called ‘American Rescue Plan.’” [KXNT, 3/10/21]

KOLO 8 (ABC): 8 News Now. “Through the American Rescue Plan Senator Jacky Rosen says, ‘more than 4 billion dollars is being allocated to Nevada and every corner of the state will be receiving money.’ She tweeted this image showing how the funds will be distributed. -Washoe county will be getting more than 91 million dollars -Carson city will be getting one million -about 10 million dollars is allocated to Doug Churchill will be receiving almost 5 . -1 billion dollars has been allocated in education. -and 165 million will help with emergency rental assistance.” [KOLO 8, 3/12/21]

KOH-AM (Radio): Reno,NV. “Jacky Rosen, releasing a statement applauding the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act in the House of Representatives. Senator Rosen says, ‘This is bringing us one step closer to delivering much needed relief to Nevada.’” [KOH-AM (Radio), 3/10/21] 



NHPR: Shaheen Tours Vaccination Site, Touts COVID Stimulus Package. “Sen. Jeanne Shaheen spent Friday morning in Exeter meeting with members of the National Guard as well as medical providers administering COVID-19 vaccines at a state-run clinic behind the high school. Shaheen’s visit comes a day after President Biden signed into law a COVID-19 stimulus package with a $1.9 trillion price tag. Shaheen backed the measure, which includes direct payments to most Americans, additional funding for schools, rental assistance and billions for local and city governments.” [NHPR, 3/12/21]

Seacoast Online: Shaheen touts relief funds for vaccine, arts, hungry in Seacoast stops. “Sen. Jeanne Shaheen toured the New Hampshire National Guard’s COVID-19 vaccination site at Exeter High School Friday to thank them for their hard work, and to let them know more federal resources are on the way. Shaheen, D-NH, said this week’s approval of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan relief package will help the state further ramp up its vaccine distribution efforts. She said the new legislation doubles the amount of grant monies New Hampshire receives to administer the vaccine.” [Seacoast Online, 3/12/21]

Eagle-Tribune: Shaheen to venues: Look for positive times ahead. “Shaheen said more help is on the way. The American Rescue Plan includes $1.25 billion in extra funding for the Shuttered Venue Operator Grant (SVOG) program and includes a provision to allow venues to apply for both the PPP program and SVOG funding. ‘I know this is something you all need,’ Shaheen said.” [Eagle-Tribune, 3/13/21]

WMUR: Uncertain but hopeful, hospitality industry looks forward to summer. “During a virtual meeting, U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen heard the concerns of New Hampshire's hospitality and tourism industry. Shaheen then offered details on how the newly signed relief bill could help. ‘There are tourism dollars in this plan that will be helpful to us in New Hampshire,’ she said. ‘Twenty-five percent of $3 billion is going to the Economic Development Administration -- designated for states and localities that have been particularly hard hit.’ She said that will likely mean millions of dollars for an industry that sustained a nearly crippling blow because of the pandemic.” [WMUR, 3/15/21]

Concord Monitor: Hospitality businesses sound optimistic tone about summer season. “The mammoth bill, which cleared Congress last week and was immediately signed by President Joe Biden, contains money for direct checks, jobless benefits, state and local aid, and more. ‘It provides significant additional help for the hospitality industry, live performance venues, and restaurants which have been hit by this pandemic,’ Shaheen said.” [Concord Monitor, 3/16/21]

Foster’s Daily Democrat: How the 3rd stimulus works: 90% of Maine, NH families with kids to get monthly checks. “‘Expanding the child tax credit is a truly significant step to support hard-working families in New Hampshire,’ said U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-New Hampshire. ‘The COVID-19 pandemic has placed an incredible burden on parents, and as a result, children are suffering.’” [Foster’s Daily Democrat, 3/13/21

WCAX: COVID-19 relief package includes Hassan bill to support businesses. “It also includes legislation from New Hampshire Sen. Maggie Hassan that provides relief to new small businesses that weren’t eligible for aid before. ‘One of the things that has just struck me throughout the pandemic is that in the midst of all these challenges, Granite Staters have been stepping up to start new businesses, creating new job opportunities, which is really an amazing thing to see at such a difficult time and really an inspiring thing to see,’ said Hassan, D-New Hampshire.” [WCAX, 3/8/21]



WHYY: NJ Officials praise signing of federal stimulus plan ‘that our families needed’. “Menendez, Democratic Sen. Cory Booker, and all ten Democratic members of the New Jersey delegation supported the stimulus plan.” [WHYY, 3/12/21]

CBS Radio 880: New Jersey lawmakers tout 'American Rescue Plan' that will provide more than $10B to the state. “‘This is a bill that is going to be going to the people, not wealthy corporations, not the wealthiest in this county,’ said Sen. Cory Booker.” [CBS Radio 880, 3/12/21]

News 12 NJ: ‘Our families are in critical need.' State leaders applaud new COVID stimulus package. “Gov. Phil Murphy, Sens. Bob Menendez and Cory Booker, and local mayors were joined by first responders at an event in Elizabeth on Friday. First responders will be among those who are benefiting from this aid.”[News 12 NJ, 3/13/21]

ABC 7: New Jersey coronavirus update: Here's how NJ families will benefit from the COVID relief bill. "’A family of four in New Jersey with two children will see, at a minimum, a minimum from this bill, $8,200 to their families,’ Sen. Cory Booker said. The package does include money to continue with vaccine programs and Booker pushed to set aside money for children living in poverty. ‘We are still going through the valley of the shadow of death. That's why this is a triumphant day. We faced many defeats, but we are not defeated,’ Booker said.” [ABC 7, 3/12/21]

New York CBS Local: New Jersey Residents To Receive $9.5 Billion In Stimulus Checks From American Rescue Plan. “More than $9.5 billion in stimulus checks will flow to approximately 3.7 million households across New Jersey,” said Sen. Bob Menendez.” [New York CBS Local, 3/12/21]

WCBS Radio: NJ lawmakers tout COVID relief bill for sending $10B in aid. ‘“Help is truly on the way,’ said Sen. Bob Menendez.” ... “Menendez added that the direct stimulus payments will help those who have been struggling to pay bills and meet other expenses for months. ‘Checks will average about $2,600 per household and reach the vast majority of New Jersey families,’ the New Jersey senator said.” [WCBS Radio, 3/12/21]

NJ Spotlight: Menendez: Relief bill 'one most significant ways' to bring aid, help end pandemic. “If it passes, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) says 3.7 million New Jersey households can expect stimulus checks of $1,400, averaging $2,600 per household. Menendez also says the state, counties, and municipalities would receive $10 billion in direct aid and the child tax credit is extended from $2,000 t0 $3,600. But a $15 minimum wage was cut and some unemployment benefits were not increased in the bill, which Menendez says he was disappointed with but believes this bill is an ‘enormous success’ to help the state during the COVID-19 economic crisis. ‘One of the greatest accomplishments of a long time,’ said Menendez. ‘One of the most significant ways we bring an end to the pandemic and create relief for the economic consequences that the pandemic has brought us.’” [NJ Spotlight, 3/8/21]

New Jersey Globe: With billions in federal aid on their way, Menendez wants schools reopened. “U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez (D-North Bergen) wants New Jersey to use the $10.2 billion in direct federal aid to state, county and local governments to begin to reopen schools that have remained closed to in-person instruction in various degrees for much of the last year. ‘I think the stress on our kids and their families is enormous, so that’s a priority for me, getting them open safely, and I think we can do that with the resources here,’ the senator said following a press conference on the $1.9 trillion relief bill Friday.” [New Jersey Globe, 3/12/21]

New Jersey News 12: 'Our families are in critical need.' State leaders applaud new COVID stimulus package. “Gov. Phil Murphy, Sens. Bob Menendez and Cory Booker, and local mayors were joined by first responders at an event in Elizabeth on Friday. First responders will be among those who are benefiting from this aid.” [New Jersey News 12, 3/13/21]

The Cape May Sentinel: Rescue Plan's Impact on Cape May. “‘Senator Menendez made the case that the aid should be treated like disaster relief,’ Steve Sandberg, a spokesman for Senator Bob Menendez, told the Cape May Sentinel.” [The Cape May Sentinel, 3/11/21]

Hudson Reporter: Millions of relief funds for Hudson County. “The final funding formula targets federal resources to areas with the greatest need and is modeled after Menendez’s bipartisan SMART Act, cosponsored by Booker, netting New Jersey around $1 billion more than had the money been distributed based on population.” [Hudson Reporter, 3/12/21] Biden stimulus spares airline workers from layoffs, adds more cash for new Portal Bridge. “Officials for U.S. Senators Cory Booker and Robert Menendez, D-NJ, broke down what is coming to help New Jersey transportation recover from travel and ridership declines and the revenue losses that accompanied them.” ... “NJ Transit is slated to receive an estimated $2 billion in funding that will help the agency recover from coronavirus ridership losses. It also could help it cover projected funding gaps in fiscal years 2024 and 2025.” [, 3/11/21]

Hudson County View: Hudson County will receive $424.6M from American Rescue Plan, senators say. “The final funding formula – which nets $10.189 billion for New Jersey – targets federal resources to areas with the greatest need and is modeled after Menendez’s bipartisan SMART Act, co-sponsored by Booker.” ... “‘Our state and local governments have been on the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19. They have been bleeding resources for over a year while costs have soared and revenues have plummeted. As a result, they have borne the brunt of the economic pain and desperately need help,’ Menendez said in a joint statement.” [Hudson County View, 3/10/21]

Paterson Times: Paterson to get $63.7 million from Biden stimulus package. “‘This badly needed federal funding will not just keep the lights on at City Hall, it will also help our communities get more vaccines in people’s arms, keep our first responders, teachers and other essential workers on the job, maintain our infrastructure and critical services, help our small businesses stay afloat, and put us on a smoother path towards economic recovery after the pandemic,’ said senator Bob Menendez.” [Paterson Times, 3/12/21]

Tap Into Hawthorne: $1.9 Trillion COVID Relief Package Means Funds for Hawthorne and Neighboring Communities. “‘Our state and local governments have been on the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19,’ US Senator Bob Menendez said. ‘They have been bleeding resources for over a year while costs have soared and revenues have plummeted.  As a result, they have borne the brunt of the economic pain and desperately need help.  This badly needed federal funding will not just keep the lights on at City Hall, it will also help our communities get more vaccines in people’s arms, keep our first responders, teachers and other essential workers on the job, maintain our infrastructure and critical services, help our small businesses stay afloat, and put us on a smoother path towards economic recovery after the pandemic.  This was a long and hard-fought battle, but I am pleased to be able to deliver in this COVID relief package billions in direct, flexible federal assistance to each and every corner of New Jersey.’" [Tap Into Hawthorne, 3/10/21] Stimulus check update: Democrats celebrate passage of coronavirus spending bill as U.S. prepares to send out $1,400 checks. “‘The American Rescue Plan will put us on a path to end the worst pandemic in 100 years and the most devastating economic crisis of our lifetimes,’ Menendez said. ‘It will accelerate vaccination efforts nationwide, because that’s our greatest hope for crushing COVID-19 and getting back to our lives. And it is built to help the families, workers, businesses, and communities hit hardest by this pandemic.’” [, 3/13/21]



KRWG: Federal American Rescue Plan is the Relief New Mexicans Need. “‘We applaud the passage of the American Rescue Plan. This legislation is the kind of action we need now, when unemployed workers are still struggling to pay their bills, millions of families are falling further behind on rent and at risk of facing homelessness, and parents are worrying about how they will feed their children,’ said James Jimenez, executive director of New Mexico Voices for Children. ‘We want to thank those members of our congressional delegation who worked hard to pass the American Rescue Plan and deliver the relief our state needs: Senators Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Lujan and Representatives Deb Haaland and Teresa Leger Fernandez,’ he added.” [KRWG]

Eastern New Mexico News: $9 billion expected for NM in virus relief package. “‘In a very real way, I believe that today is the beginning of the end of the pandemic,’ Heinrich said during a video conference on Wednesday, the eve of the one-year anniversary of COVID-19 being declared a pandemic and of the first virus cases being confirmed in New Mexico.” [Eastern New Mexico News, 3/11/21]

Roswell Daily Record: Stimulus package gives more than $64 billion to businesses. “In his comments upon signing the bill, Biden said the ‘historic’ bill was about giving working and middle-class families ‘a fighting chance.’ On Wednesday, U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Lujan, U.S. Reps. Deb Haaland and Teresa Leger Fernandez and Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham held a press conference in support of the bill.” [Roswell Daily Record, 3/11/21]

KRQE: New Mexico officials hold news conference on American Rescue Plan, discuss relief funding. “U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) and Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.), Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernández (D-N.M), and New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham hosted a virtual news conference Wednesday to discuss the American Rescue Plan. During the conference, they talked about how the plan will help New Mexico combat COVID-19. The American Rescue Plan includes direct payments to most Americans, aid to small businesses, financial help for schools, and much more to help the US recover from the pandemic. New Mexico lawmakers say they are still working out just how much of that relief funding will flow into the state. They estimate it will run around $9 billion including money to the state tribes and other groups.” [KRQE, 3/10/21]

KOB: New Mexico could receive $9 billion from COVID relief bill. “‘It's the beginning of the end for this pandemic. And it's the beginning of a return to something that's going to feel a lot more like normal than what we've been living through for the last year,’ said Sen. Martin Heinrich, who voted for the package. Officials are still crunching the numbers, but they estimate New Mexico could receive $9 billion.” [KOB, 3/10/21]

Albuquerque Journal: Billions for NM in virus relief package. “About $9 billion could be flowing into New Mexico as part of the massive virus relief package approved by the House on Wednesday, and expected to be signed into law soon. Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., said the exact amount New Mexico will receive is still being calculated. But the $9 billion within the 628-page bill includes $2.5 billion for New Mexico governments; individual benefits most people in the state will qualify for; grants for businesses and farmers; $1.2 billion to school districts to help reopen; and more than $1 billion for New Mexico tribes.” [Albuquerque Journal, 3/10/21]

Las Cruces Sun News: New Mexico governor, delegation hail passage of $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill. “The lawmakers spoke at a news conference along with Sen. Ben Ray Luján and the governor, all Democrats who pointedly drew a contrast between assistance offered by the Biden Administration and the White House under former President Donald Trump.” [Las Cruces Sun News, 3/11/21

Santa Fe New Mexican: New Mexico governor, congressional delegation praise COVID-19 relief bill. “‘I believe today is the beginning of the end for the pandemic,’ said U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich. The four — Heinrich, U.S. Sen. Ben Ray Luján, U.S. Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez and Lujan Grisham — spoke during a Zoom news conference.” [Sante Fe New Mexican, 3/10/21]

KOAT: State law makers respond to American Rescue Plan now waiting for President Biden's signature. “Sen. Ben Ray Lujan spoke saying the plan would not only include direct payments, but it's also going to aid small businesses. ‘Ensures children are not driven deeper into poverty and puts more money in the pockets of families,’  he said. He said the biggest outcome will be making sure no child is left behind. ‘We look forward to seeing this critical piece of legislation signed by President Biden,’ he said. Sen. Martin Heinrich wants New Mexicans to remember to file their taxes, even if they think they are not going to owe anything. ‘That is how the federal government is going to find you for these programs,’ Heinrich said.” [KOAT, 3/10/21]

KUNM: New Mexicans In Majority As U.S. Senate OKs COVID-19 Relief Bill. “Heinrich said New Mexico's residents ‘are facing daunting economic hardships and need assistance to help weather this crisis,’ while Luján said the bill ‘provides crucial relief at a time when New Mexicans are still struggling financially.’” [KUNM, 3/8/21]

Santa Fe New Mexican: New Mexico senators: Stimulus bill to help state recover, rebuild. “In a statement, Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., said he supported the relief bill because too many New Mexico residents ‘are facing daunting economic hardships and need assistance to help weather this crisis.’ The package would provide tens of billions of dollars for distributing and administering vaccines and procuring personal protective equipment. Many of those resources would go to rural hospitals and health care workers in New Mexico, Heinrich said.” [Santa Fe New Mexican, 3/6/21]

Albuquerque Journal: Heinrich, Luján in majority as Senate OKs COVID-19 relief bill. Heinrich said New Mexico’s residents ‘are facing daunting economic hardships and need assistance to help weather this crisis,’ while Lujan said the bill ‘provides crucial relief at a time when New Mexicans are still struggling financially.’” [Albuquerque Journal, 3/6/21]



Auburn Citizen: Schumer: Cayuga County colleges get nearly $8.5M in federal COVID-19 aid. “Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Thursday that New York's higher education institutions would receive more than $2.6 billion in COVID-19 relief aid. The funding is part of a $1.9 trillion rescue plan approved by Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden.” [Auburn Citizen, 3/19/21]

Buffalo News: Buffalo to get $350 million in federal pandemic stimulus bill. “‘What I have to say to Western New York is that help is on the way,’ Schumer said in an interview. ‘Real help is on the way. We have passed a robust package of Covid rescue that will give help to just about every person and group that is suffering under Covid and our slow-moving economy.’” [Buffalo News, 3/7/21]

Buffalo News: Schumer takes victory lap to tout benefits of new stimulus bill. “Schumer stood with Manna chefs inside the massive job training center to outline $28.6 billion in flexible grants for restaurants across the nation that he said will help the approximately 27% of New York establishments doomed to closure without the aid. ‘It's estimated more people lost jobs in restaurants and hospitality than anywhere else,’ he said.” [Buffalo News, 3/9/21]

Times Union: Schumer funds boost airport, CDTA. “‘Air travel and public transportation are among the most severely impacted industries amid the pandemic, and both are vital to the connectivity and success of the Upstate economy,’ Schumer said. ‘Help is on the way that will put Upstate New York’s transportation on the road to recovery.’” [Times Union, 3/15/21]

Daily Gazette: Federal COVID relief bill contains millions for Capital Region cities, counties, towns. “Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., estimated the impact on New York state at around $100 billion. As previously reported, the direct benefit to state government is $12.5 billion. Schumer on Monday detailed the amount coming to towns, cities and counties in New York under the American Rescue Plan.” [Daily Gazette, 3/8/21] Schumer: Syracuse schools gain massive $128M boost from Covid relief bill. “‘Covid brought unprecedented challenges that have cost a year of learning and development for students – challenges disproportionately felt by students of color, students from low-income families, students with disabilities, and more,’ Schumer said. Schumer said he made funding for Central New York schools a priority in the bill, which sets aside more than $120 billion nationwide for K-12 schools. School officials must tell the federal government by June how they plan to spend the money over the next four years.” [, 3/17/21]

Oswego County Today: Gillibrand Urges New Yorkers To File Taxes Electronically To Quickly Access American Rescue Plan’s Child Tax Credit, EITC. “‘Finally, everyone can get the full value of the Child Tax Credit, including low-income families who have shouldered the worst of the pandemic and need relief quickly,’ said Senator Gillibrand. ‘The American Rescue Plan’s expansion of the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit together form the sharpest and timeliest tools we have to arm families against poverty. I am urging New Yorkers to take advantage of the newly available financial boost they need to take care of their children and themselves during a major public health crisis.’” [Oswego County Today, 3/11/21]

Spectrum News: Schumer, Gillibrand Detail COVID-19 Stimulus Plan. “Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said his home state should see a more than $100 billion impact from the American Rescue Plan. ‘This is the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression,’ he said. ‘This is the greatest health crisis since the Spanish Pandemic Flu a hundred years ago. The only way out is a bill like this.’”... “U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand said she also supported a number of measures that were ultimately included to further help the New York's lower income families. That included home energy assistance, expanded child and earned income tax credits, and more money for programs to help cover expenses like food and rent.” [Spectrum News, 3/10/21]

Sun Community News: Gillibrand touts "key wins" in $1.9 trillion relief bill. “U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand said the $1.9 trillion COVID relief American Rescue Plan will deliver critical resources to American families and small businesses while bolstering funding for public health, health care, economic recovery, and essential services.” [Sun Community News, 3/10/21]

North Country Public Radio: $88 million to North Country local governments in new federal COVID stimulus. “The American Rescue Plan includes over $88 million for North Country counties and local governments. Gillibrand says the funding in the bill will be a lifeline for millions of New Yorkers. ‘People are out of resources. If they haven’t had an income over the past year they have no savings, they have used every safety net that is available to them. And many families were looking in the future and feeling extremely bleak and vulnerable. So, this bill meets the gravity of their need and meets their need in many places,’ she said.” [NCPR, 3/10/21]



Hometown Stations: Sen. Brown celebrates the passage of The Butch Lewis Act. “In the relief package was a bill that Senator Sherrod Brown has been working on for six years, The Butch Lewis Act. Which would protect people from getting their pensions cut and allow pension programs to take out a loan to get them on solid ground so they can continue to support those receiving their pensions.” [Hometown Stations, 3/7/21]

Columbus Dispatch: Congress uses $1.9 trillion relief plan to rescue multiemployer pension plans. “Key provisions of the aid package for the multiemployer funds are based on the Butch Lewis Act that Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, recently reintroduced in the Senate in case the overall bill didn't include help for the multiemployer funds.” [Columbus Dispatch, 3/10/21]

Sandusky Register: Local Communities Get Millions. “City manager Eric Wobser: Sandusky was one of the hardest-hit cities in the country, financially, by COVID-19. These funds will help rebuild our foundation and continue our recent momentum. We can't thank the leadership of Congresswoman Kaptur and Sen. Sherrod Brown enough for fighting for our local communities.” [Sandusky Register, 3/10/21]



Wyden: More to be done on future unemployment benefits. “U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden says Congress did its job in extending unemployment benefits and other federal aid to boost the nation's recovery from the coronavirus pandemic — but there's more to be done. The Oregon Democrat restated his longer-term goals of tying future benefits to economic conditions, making benefits permanent for self-employed and gig workers, and setting national standards for benefits while states retain some flexibility. [Portland Tribune, 3/12/21]

The Skanner News: Oregon Leaders See Shift, Hope with Success of Stimulus Relief Bill. “When Pres. Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package Friday, he enacted what Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley called ‘one of the most progressive and transformative pieces of legislation since the New Deal.’”… “‘From my vantage point, the effort was designed to get the strongest possible set of benefits for Oregonians,’ Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden, chair of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, said during a press conference Friday. ‘For jobless aid, for small businesses, for vaccinations. And this weekend sure would have looked different without this.’” [The Scanner News, 3/14/21]

The Oregonian: Wyden says jobless benefits created during pandemic should be permanent. “U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden wants to see some of the programs created to help jobless Americans during the pandemic made permanent, and wants to see national standards put in place that set a minimum threshold for unemployment benefits and a nationwide technology platform to pay them out.” [Oregonian, 3/14/21]

Curry Coastal Pilot: Wyden touts county financing in COVID bill. “While the COVID-19 relief bill approved by Congress focuses primarily on health measures, Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden is especially pleased with a different element. As part of the bill, Wyden was a proposal he worked on that will provide federal funding to counties that have federal land. Wyden said 62 percent of counties in the nation have federal lands that cannot be taxed, but those counties are still required to provide services on the land. In Oregon, where more than half the state is federal land, the problem is even bigger.” [Curry Coastal Pilot, 3/13/21]

East Oregonian: Merkley touts American Rescue Plan benefits for Oregon. “Morrow County Commissioner Jim Doherty was one of several people from around the state who helped Sen. Jeff Merkley tout the benefits of the newest COVID-19 stimulus package on a video call with Oregon journalists on Friday, March 12.”… “Merkley called the plan ‘one of the most progressive and transformative pieces of legislation since the New Deal.’ While the country isn’t out of the woods yet with the pandemic, he said, the American Rescue Plan will help put its effects in the past.” [East Oregonian, 3/12/21]

KPIC: $1 billion for CAHOOTS Act included in American Rescue Plan. “Oregon's two US senators are working to take Eugene's CAHOOTS crisis program to the rest of the country. It's called the CAHOOTS Act, and Senator Ron Wyden formally introduced it in congress this week. There's a down payment for the act included in the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. Senator Wyden says that should provide about a billion dollars in Medicaid funds to help states set up CAHOOTS-like programs. ‘We don't just have traditional options, we've got a new one!’ said Wyden, who this week is introducing legislation to bring a mental health focus to crisis response. ‘This allows us to reimagine public safety.’” [KPIC4, 3/17/21]



CBS Philadelphia: ‘The Vaccination Dollars Are Essential’: Sen. Bob Casey Says President Biden’s COVID Relief Bill Will Increase Vaccinations. “‘When you dig into the bill, you can see it,’ Casey told Eyewitness News on Sunday. ‘The vaccination dollars are essential. We have to dramatically increase the number of vaccinations every day and every week. If we can’t do that, then nothing else matters. We can’t have our economy functioning and thriving like the way we want it to be.’” [CBS Philadelphia, 3/7/21]

ABC Harrisburg: Sen. Bob Casey explains vote to pass COVID relief package. “It was a vote along party lines, 50 to 49. Democratic Sen. Bob Casey told abc27 News there was no time to waste, whether it had Republican support or not. Money for schools, vaccinations and people is how Casey sees the nearly $2 trillion relief package. ‘This is a significant investment in putting the virus behind us and opening schools and helping a lot of individuals, a lot of families across the country that are hurting,’ Casey said. Casey says $130 billion will go toward schools reopening. ‘There’s a lot of politicians on the Republican side in Washington saying, they’re yelling at school districts to open up and yelling at governors and the like and they’re not willing to vote for the money to open up the schools safely,’ Casey said.” [ABC Harrisburg, 3/7/21]

NBC/CBS Scranton: Pennsylvania reacts to COVID relief bill. “Senator Casey spoke with WBRE/WYOU Eyewitness News Sunday afternoon to explain his vote to pass the COVID-19 relief bill. Senator Casey told Eyewitness News if he could describe the COVID relief package in three words he would say vaccination, schools and people because that’s where most of the money is going. ‘To finally put this virus behind us, we have to punch it really hard to put it behind us. That means getting more dollars in the system especially at the state level and the community level for vaccination,’ Senator Casey said.” [NBC/CBS Scranton, 3/7/21]

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Leaning on tax credits, Dems hope to stem child poverty by delivering income stream to families. “Now, with Democrats in control of the chamber and after a year of pandemic burdens weighing on families, two key tenets of Mr. Casey’s plan appear headed into law, with the potential to cut the U.S. child poverty rate in half. The $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill that Congress passed on Wednesday — and will be signed by President Joe Biden Friday — includes a dramatic expansion of the federal child tax credit that would result in parents receiving monthly checks of up to $300 per child under the age of six and $250 for each child aged 6 to 17.” [Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 3/10/21]

Wilkes Barre Times Leader: 4 of Casey’s top issues included in $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. “Casey’s COVID-19 Nursing Home Protection Act, his COVID HCBS Relief Act of 2021, the Continued Funding for Senior Services During COVID-19 Act, and the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit Enhancement Act are all part of the package expected to be signed by President Joe Biden later this week.” [Times Leader, 3/18/21]

Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: 'Hope on the horizon': Casey details relief bill; local leaders say they work together to ‘put the virus behind us’. “‘We want to make sure we can take the steps that are necessary to put the virus behind us and that means a lot more vaccinations,’ U.S. Sen. Bob Casey said during the livestreamed forum. ‘Because of vaccines, there is obviously hope on the horizon after this terribly dark year.’” [The Tribune Democrat, 3/10/21]

Philadelphia Inquirer:  Biden has his first big win and he’s coming to Pennsylvania to make sure people know about it. “‘It’s absolutely essential that the president spend some time walking through the provisions of this bill and what it means to communities across the country because I think that was a failure in the aftermath of the Recovery Act in 2009, and frankly that was a failure of people like me,’ Sen. Bob Casey (D., Pa.) said. ‘We all should have been talking about what was in that bill.’” [Philadelphia Inquirer, 3/15/21]



Westerly Sun: State delegation to Town Council: American Rescue Plan should resolve R.I.'s budget woes Members of the town's state legislative delegation say they are confident President Joseph Biden's COVID-19 relief bill, called the American Rescue Plan, will address the state's budget problems and provide relief to cities and towns struggling with expenditures related to the pandemic.” [Westerly Sun, 3/9/21]

Valley Breeze: Local towns anticipate stimulus funds. “Rhode Island is expected to receive $1.78 billion from the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. According to U.S. Sen. Jack Reed, an estimated $1.2 billion in direct payments of $1,400 to nearly 500,000 eligible Rhode Island households will begin hitting bank accounts this week.” [Valley Breeze, 3/17/21]

What’s Up Newp: Funding for mental health, substance use treatment heading to RI as part of American Rescue Plan. “Whitehouse advocated for the funding to address the growing overdose crisis in Rhode Island. ‘Pandemic-related isolation and stress have presented new challenges for many Rhode Islanders, especially those walking the long, noble road of recovery,’ said Whitehouse in a statement. ‘I was pleased to help deliver additional resources to bolster mental health and substance use treatment in Rhode Island as demand for those services remains high.’”[What’s Up Newp, 3/9/21]

GoLocalProv: Biden's Federal Stimulus: RI Receives Approximately $3 Billion in Aid — We Have The Numbers.President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus package is a massive boon to Rhode Island state and local governments. The numbers are staggering. The Biden administration shepherded the legislation through both chambers of Congress in 50 days.” [GoLocalProv, 3/11/21]

PBN: Rhode Island to get $1.78B in new federal pandemic aid. The state and its cities and towns will receive a combined $1.78 billion in federal funding from the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill passed by Congress Wednesday, according to Sen Jack Reed, D-R.I. Under the bill, called the ‘American Rescue Plan,’ the state will receive $1.1 billion.” [PBN, 3/10/21]



VT Digger: ‘Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity’: Federal relief bill to direct $2.7 billion to Vermont. “A federal coronavirus relief bill approved Wednesday by the U.S. House would direct more than $2.7 billion to Vermont, according to Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. That includes nearly $1.3 billion in direct aid to the state and tens of millions of dollars to Vermont municipalities.  ‘My top priority for this relief package has been to ensure that Vermont has the resources we need to address our current needs and to chart a course of recovery out of the pandemic,’ U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said Wednesday in a written statement.” [VT Digger, 3/10/21]

WCAX 5: Local lawmakers react to passage of American Rescue Plan. Sen. Patrick Leahy said in a statement that the American Rescue Plan delivers on that goal by making significant investments in our infrastructure to help us end this pandemic and making the largest investments to address poverty in over a generation.” [WCAX 5, 3/10/21]

WCAX: Sanders calls $1.9T COVID relief plan most significant bill in decades. “As Congress prepares to give the final seal of approval to the $1.9 trillion ‘American Rescue Plan,’ Sanders touts the bill’s benefits for Vermont. ‘This, to my mind, is the most significant piece of legislation to help working people that has been passed by Congress in decades,’ said Sanders, I-Vermont. About 90% of Vermonters will receive $1,400 stimulus checks.” [WCAX3, 3/8/21]

My Champlain Valley: Sanders: Latest COVID relief is “very significant step forward”. “A family of four will receive about $5,600. And in the midst of this economic downturn, people are struggling so much, I think that will be a real shot in the arm for many households in the state of Vermont. That’s really important.” [My Champlain Valley, 3/9/21]



WSET: Here's how the 'American Rescue Plan' will help Virginia. “U.S. Sens. Mark Warner and Tim Kaine highlighted some of the ways in which the American Rescue Plan will help families, workers, small businesses and local governments across Virginia. ‘The American Rescue Plan will help us defeat the COVID-19 pandemic and put our nation on a clear path to rebuild from this crisis. Already, Virginians are seeing the benefits, with direct payments hitting bank accounts and much-needed funds going out to expand vaccine distribution, help schools reopen, and provide assistance to small businesses and local governments across Virginia,’ said the Senators.” [WSET, 3/17/21]

NBC29: Senator Mark Warner on how the American Rescue Plan benefits Virginia. “On Thursday, March 18, Congressman Mark Warner talked about how it benefits the commonwealth He pointed out the extension in unemployment assistance and relief to state and local governments. But he is especially happy about the cash to help more households in Virginia get high-speed internet. ‘I think if there’s one thing we’ve learned in the last year of COVID is that high-speed internet connectivity, broadband, is an economic necessity, not a ‘nice to have,’ he said. ‘Unfortunately in Virginia, we’ve got over 700,000 Virginians that don’t have access to broadband in rural communities, but also in suburban communities and that doesn’t even count the number of Virginians that, even if they got access, that broadband is not affordable enough.’” [NBC29, 3/18/21]

WSLS: How the American Rescue Plan aims to help Virginia. “The American Rescue Plan aims to do more than just offer a third round of stimulus checks. U.S. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine highlighted the benefits the plan would provide for Virginians.” [WSLS, 3/18/21]

WRIC: Here’s what Virginia can expect under the $1.9 trillion stimulus package. “But several provisions in the package will provide funding for initiatives lawmakers have spent awhile clamoring for. U.S. Mark Warner (D-Va.) said investing in broadband infrastructure to expand and improve internet access for all Virginians was a crucial proposal, and issue brought to light during the pandemic, that made the final bill.” [WRIC, 3/18/21]

13 News Now: Virginia's senators say stimulus is money well spent. ‘Those monies will be spent in Virginia communities at restaurants and grocery stores that will help Main Street thrive again,’ said Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Virginia).” ... “‘That $1,400 check to adults and dependent children will be going out and hitting people's bank accounts either electronically or in the mail over the next couple of weeks, and that's extremely important,’ he said.” [13 News Now, 3/18/21]

Winchester Star: Local families say COVID bailout will help them catch up on bills. “Local and state governments, hurt by the loss of tax revenue during the pandemic, get $360 billion, including $6.9 billion for Virginia, according to the office of U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Virginia.” [Winchester Star, 3/15/21]

WJLA: What does the American Rescue Plan mean for DC, Maryland and Virginia? “Senator Tim Kaine tells us that state and local governments in Virginia will receive $6.9 billion to cover lost revenues and help the Commonwealth climb out of the economic catastrophe.” [WJLA, 3/11/21]

Augusta Free Press: Warner, Kaine announce $38.5 million in federal funds for COVID-19 vaccination efforts. “U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine announced $38,564,692.58 in federal funding to support vaccination efforts in Virginia. ‘Getting shots into arms is what will end this pandemic,’ Warner and Kaine said in a joint statement. ‘That is why we’re glad to see these federal dollars will provide support for vaccination efforts throughout the Commonwealth, and we remain committed to ensuring that every Virginian has the opportunity to get vaccinated as quickly as possible.’” [Augusta Free Press, 3/11/21]

Smithfield Times: State making progress on vaccinations. “Democratic Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine on March 10 announced more than $38 million in federal funding to support vaccination efforts in Virginia. ‘Getting shots into arms is what will end this pandemic,’ Warner and Kaine said in a joint statement. ‘That is why we’re glad to see these federal dollars will provide support for vaccination efforts throughout the Commonwealth, and we remain committed to ensuring that every Virginian has the opportunity to get vaccinated as quickly as possible.’” [Smithfield Times, 3/11/21]



Spokesman-Review: Washington to see $3 billion revenue boost, following similar trends nationwide as states prepare for more federal funds. “After a year of economic uncertainty and possible budget deficits, it looks like Washington’s revenue is right back to where it was a year ago. In a forecast released Wednesday, the state’s projected revenue for the current budget cycle ending in June is up $1.3 billion while the projected revenue for the next two years is up by $1.9 billion, according to the state’s Economic and Revenue Forecast Council. That’s when compared to the previous forecast in November. ‘We do expect stronger economic growth,’ the council’s executive director Stephen Lerch said Wednesday, citing the federal stimulus package and increased vaccine distribution. ‘Still, clearly there’s some uncertainty associated with that.’” [Spokesman-Review, 3/18/21]

Crosscut: WA school districts depending on federal relief to pay for reopening. “On Feb. 19, Gov. Jay Inslee signed House Bill 1368, which appropriated $2.2 billion of COVID relief funding from the federal government. These funds were distributed among a variety of pandemic-induced needs. The big ticket item: $714 million of $13.2 billion allocated nationwide to assist K-12 education.” [Crosscut, 3/18/21]

KPQ: Inslee Praises Passage of American Rescue Plan. “Governor Jay Inslee said during a press conference Friday that he was delighted by President Biden’s signing of the American Rescue Plan, the contentious $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package. Inslee said the funds coming to Washington State won’t be treated the same as prior high-cost relief legislation. The state previously opted to keep a healthy amount of the aid money in reserve in order to make it last. This time around, Inlsee is expecting to use the funds more quickly. The bill includes $2.6 billion for Washington State’s schools.” [KPQ, 3/17/21]

Q13 Fox: How Biden's 'American Rescue Plan' will impact Washingtonians. “President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan - the American Rescue Plan - in an effort to provide some aid to struggling families. In addition to the $1,400 stimulus checks going out to households right now, Washington state will roughly get $7 billion from the bill.” [Q13, 3/17/21]

Kent Reporter: City of Kent to get $24.5 million in federal COVID-19 relief. “U.S. Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), the chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, released the estimated relief funding for localities in Washington state through the American Rescue Plan passed by Congress and signed last week by President Joe Biden.” [Kent Reporter, 3/16/21

Spokesman-Review: Washington to receive billions of dollars from federal stimulus package for schools, child care, local governments. “Congress passed the American Rescue Plan on Wednesday, and President Joe Biden signed it into law Thursday. The package sends $350 billion to state and local governments, $1,400 stimulus payments to most Americans, a monthly tax credit for families with children and billions more funding for vaccinations, schools, unemployment benefits and more. Washington will receive $7.1 billion for state and local governments as well as an additional $635 million for child care, almost $1.9 billion for K-12 schools and $655 million for higher education, according to the House Committee on Education and Labor.” [Spokesman-Review, 3/12/21]

The Columbian: $145 million in stimulus funds heading to Southwest Washington. “‘Washington state families are relying on the people our state and local governments employ – whether it’s our health care workers, our teachers, EMS, transportation workers – to keep our families safe and healthy and our communities running as the work continues to end this pandemic,’ Murray said.” [The Columbian, 3/11/21

Spokesman-Review: Relief is on the way for venues in Spokane and around the country. “Perhaps the Garland will emerge from its slumber at some point in 2021 courtesy of the American Rescue Act. The bailout, which was passed by Congress and now awaits President Biden’s signature, is a $1.9 trillion economic stimulus package pressed by democrats to expedite the United States recovery from the economic and health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.” [Spokesman-Review, 3/11/21]

PSBJ: Here's what the new Covid economic relief package means for Seattle-area businesses. “Washington state is expected to get more than $6.7 billion in funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the $1.9 trillion federal Covid relief package approved by Congress on Wednesday. Authorities said Wednesday evening they’re working with the state’s congressional delegation and the White House to determine how exactly the funds will be allocated and how businesses can benefit. President Joseph Biden signed the bill into law Thursday.” [PSBJ, 3/11/21]

The Seattle Times: Washington state to get billions of dollars for schools, transit and cities as COVID-19 relief bill clears Congress. “The legislation is also expected to give roughly $800 million to Puget Sound’s transit agencies. And it contains $3 billion to help aerospace manufacturers meet payroll, Sen. Maria Cantwell’s office said.” [The Seattle Times, 3/10/21] 

The Spokesman-Review: $1.9 trillion stimulus bill could be turning point in American law for families with new monthly payments to parents. “The stimulus package also includes tens of billions of dollars to boost vaccination, testing, contact tracing and other anti-coronavirus efforts. Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., highlighted that part of the bill in a speech on the Senate floor March 5. ‘Our health care workers are working tirelessly, along with other government officials, to get shots in the arms of individuals,’ Cantwell said. ‘That’s why this bill is so important. Because it provides $20 billion to invest in vaccine administration and distribution. That includes launching community vaccine centers, deploying mobile vaccine units to hard to reach areas, and continuing to support an increased pace of vaccinations.’” [The Spokesman-Review, 3/11/21]

The Spokesman-Review: Pandemic relief bill would restore daily Empire Builder train service — and advocates push for more. “Washington Sen. Maria Cantwell has also pushed for Amtrak funding, citing similar reasons. In an October meeting of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, she argued that ‘Amtrak is the only means of public transportation providing a direct line for economic success in rural communities and across the state’ and urged investment in the rail line. Hamilton said he believes the America Rescue Plan package could just be the start of an infusion of investments in the country’s rail network.” [The Spokesman-Review, 3/10/21]

Puget Sound Business Journal: How the new Covid economic relief bill will benefit Seattle-area businesses. “Sen. Maria Cantwell’s office said that more than $4.2 billion of the Washington state’s $6.7 billion share of the aid will go to the state government. Nationwide, $60 billion has been set aside for small businesses, including $25 billion in grants for restaurants, Cantwell’s office said.” [Puget Sound Business Journal, 3/11/21] (Portland, OR): ‘Elections matter’: PNW lawmakers react to Senate’s passage of relief bill. Many Democratic lawmakers from Oregon and Washington praised the passage of the $1.9 trillion bill. “Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., who voted in support of the bill, stressed the critical provisions of the bill. ‘Priority number one for so many Americans right now, is the COVID-19 vaccine. In my state, the State of Washington, more than one million residents have been vaccinated and six million more are still waiting, and everyone knows that demand far exceeds the supply,’ Cantwell said on the Senate floor Friday. ‘Our health care workers are working tirelessly, along with other government officials, to get shots in the arms of individuals… That is job one right now: get the vaccine into the arms of Americans.’” [, 3/6/21] (Wenatchee, WA): U.S. Senate Passes $1.9 Trillion COVID Relief Bill. “The U.S. Senate passed a $1.9 Trillion COVID relief package Saturday. Washington Senator Maria Cantwell voted in favor of the bill calling it important. ‘Because it provides $20 billion to invest in vaccine administration and distribution. That includes launching community vaccine centers, deploying mobile vaccine units to hard to reach areas, and continuing to support an increased pace of vaccinations.’ She said getting vaccines into the arms of Americans was their No. 1 job. Cantwell says the pandemic has been particularly rough on restaurants, though the PPP program has helped. ‘I believe this legislation will be even more helpful. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 110,000 restaurants across our country have closed, either permanently or for an extended period of time, including 2,300 in the state of Washington. And some are just struggling to hang on.’” [, 3/6/21]



The Intermountain: Manchin: Relief bill will help W.Va. “Municipalities as big as Charleston and as small as Capon Bridge — along with all 55 West Virginia counties — will receive a cut of the $4 billion in direct funding that the American Rescue Plan is sending to the Mountain State. It’s a dollar figure that Sen. Joe Manchin believes will be a financial shot in the arm to every corner of West Virginia.” [The Intermountain, 3/15/21]

WTOV 9 Fox: Manchin details local benefits of American Cares Act. “U.S. Senator Joe Manchin attended a virtual meeting with several county and state groups Wednesday afternoon to discuss the benefits of the American Rescue Plan. Nearly $1.9 billion dollars will be coming to the Mountain State. ‘West Virginia local governments are essential in the fight to end the COVID-19 pandemic because of the essential services they provide to their communities,’ Manchin said. ‘But local governments have been stretched thin by providing the essential services West Virginians depend on while facing drastic cuts in revenue as a result of this public health crisis.’” [WTOV 9 Fox, 3/10/21]



WQOW: ‘We want to help': Baldwin on American Rescue Plan COVID relief bill. “On Wednesday, the House approved the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill 'American Rescue Plan,' and Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) says it will be especially helpful to small businesses. ‘We want to help as many of those small businesses make it,’ Baldwin said.” [WQOQ, 3/10/21]

WBAY: Wisconsin U.S. Senators split on American Rescue Plan Act. “Following the narrow vote, Wisconsin U.S. Senators Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson sounded off on the bill. Senator Johnson voted against the measure, while Senator Baldwin voted for it.” ...“‘We have not beaten this pandemic and people are still struggling in Wisconsin. I have supported taking bold legislative action to provide help to Wisconsin families, schools, workers and small businesses and now we are providing that help,’ said Senator Baldwin, also in a prepared statement. ‘The American Rescue Plan is the support Wisconsin needs right now to help us get past this public health crisis and move our economy forward.’” [WBAY, 3/6/21]

Spectrum News Milwaukee: 'We Gave Up Everything': Wisconsinites Fought Hard for Pension Relief. "‘The bill we had worked on for so many years, the Butch Lewis Act, was named after an Ohio teamster retiree who had organized and worked so passionately to deliver for his coworkers, his colleagues, his fellow retirees, the benefits that were promised when they worked so hard every day,’ said Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wisconsin. The senator has been a key advocate for its passage after talking to workers staring down a retirement crisis for years. ‘I can't imagine being 10 years into retirement and hearing news like that,’ said Sen. Baldwin. ‘It’s like the rug being pulled from under you. But these retirees, they were determined not to take this sitting down.’”[Spectrum News Milwaukee, 3/18/21]  

WEAW Wausau TV: Sen. Baldwin touts COVID-19 relief bill, says it will help Wisconsin children. “Democrat U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin joined an online discussion about the impact of the recently-signed $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill on Wisconsin children on Wednesday. ‘It increases the benefit from $2,000 annually to up to $3,600 per child,’ said Baldwin. ‘It’s a little bit less for older children, but it now includes children who are 17, which it didn’t used to.’” [WEAU, 3/17/21]
