Washington, D.C. – Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and Senators Patty Murray (D-WA), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Gary Peters (D-MI) held a press conference to condemn the Trump administration’s destructive and devastating proposed executive order to abolish the Department of Education. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:
Last night, reports came out that President Trump is preparing to sign an executive order to abolish the Department of Education. Now, of course, the White House has tried to start walking it back, but let's be honest. There is no secret that they're aiming to abolish the Department of Education. They said so. Here's what Donald Trump said last month, “I'd like it to be closed immediately.” So, they're not backing off. They're erratic as usual, but this is part of his campaign. It's part of what McMahon stood for, and we believe that they're trying to make it happen.
This would be, if it happens, one of the most destructive and devastating steps that Donald Trump has ever taken. Who's going to be the victim? American kids, America's school children. To get tax breaks for his billionaire friends and hurt our school children? I don't think that's what America wants. I don't think that's what America bought into.
I sent my kids to public schools in New York City. Public schools are the bedrock of our country. 90% of Americans, 90% of students in the United States attend public schools, and every single district will suffer because of what Donald Trump is doing. Again, America, he's using your kids' education money to give tax breaks to his billionaire buddies. It's that simple. He's looking to find any money he can so his billionaire club can pay even less taxes.
And this is why every single Democrat said, ‘hell no’ to the nomination of Linda McMahon, one of the only nominees in history tasked with destroying the very agency she's trying to lead. Linda McMahon wants to detonate the Department of Education. So why is she taking the job? Just to be destructive. The blast radius of this order will harm nearly every child, every teacher, every family, and every community. Taking a chainsaw to the Department of Education and undermining its mission to educate our next generation would be horrible for our schools, our families, the children Secretary McMahon is supposed to serve. And don't forget, defunding education means property taxes will go up across the country, particularly in suburban districts.
If you look at this chart, the states that have the most to lose if the Education Department is dismantled are Trump states, and particularly rural states. In rural America, there's one school in the community. You undercut it, and education just dramatically declines. The Department of Education, as I said, is a lifeline for schools across America. Without it, rural schools, many of them would vanish, and schools will crumble at the foundation. And education is the best investment for a struggling community. Without good schools, without the funding to support these schools, children will be hurt, our country will be worse off, and the American Dream falls by the wayside. Kids with special education, in particular, will be left out in the cold – we've struggled for years to give these kids a good chance – out the window, to help the billionaires. Class sizes will explode, job training programs will vanish, college will become more expensive and out of the reach for more middle-class kids. Homeowners will be hammered with rate hikes.
So, you look across the board. They're just going at it with the Elon Musk chainsaw blowtorch approach. If the Republicans want to work together with us on real education reform, we'll be the first in line to do it. If there's things that are wasteful, show us what they are. But don't use the chainsaw to just eliminate the Department of Education and public education because you're gambling with our kids' future. Democrats will fight this awful decision every – every – step of the way.