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Majority Leader Schumer Floor Remarks On Today’s Rules Committee Markup On A Resolution To Allow The Senate To More Quickly Confirm Military Nominees Blocked By Senator Tuberville’s Reckless Blanket Hold

Washington, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) today spoke on the Senate floor on today’s Rules Committee markup on a resolution to more quickly confirm military nominations being blocked by Senator Tuberville’s (R-Al) reckless blanket hold. Below are Senator Schumer’s remarks, which can also be viewed here:

Today, the Senate Rules Committee will mark up a resolution allowing the Senate to quickly confirm the military promotions currently being blocked by Senator Tuberville. I will join the Rules Committee later today – I’m a member of the committee, it’s the only committee on which I serve – and vote in favor of this resolution. I will vote in favor of the Rules Committee resolution.

For nine months, Senator Tuberville has thumbed his nose at longstanding Senate custom and prevented the swift, bipartisan confirmation of hundreds of generals and flag officers. Each time members from both sides have tried to reason with Senator Tuberville, he has only dug in further.

As a result of Senator Tuberville’s holds, America’s national security is now paying the price, our military readiness is paying the price, and our military spouses and kids – who can’t plan the next chapter in their lives even though they’ve served us for many, many years – they are paying the price too.

Patience is wearing thin with Senator Tuberville on both sides of the aisle. I strongly support this resolution to overcome these military holds, and if it is reported out of committee today – and if our Republican colleagues cannot soon convince Senator Tuberville to drop his holds – I will bring it to the floor for a vote.

I thank Chair Klobuchar and Chairman Reed for their good work on moving this important resolution.
