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Schumer Floor Remarks on Report President Trump Asked Comey to Shut Down the Federal Investigation into Michael Flynn

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer delivered remarks on the Senate floor following a New York Times report indicating President Trump asked former FBI Director James Comey to end the federal investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Below are his remarks:

Mr. President, in a week full of revelation after revelation…on a day when we thought things couldn’t get any worse…they have.

I was shaken by the report in the New York Times that alleged that the president tried to shut down an active FBI investigation into a close political associate.

And we are only one day removed from stunning allegations that the president may have divulged classified information to a known adversary.

Concerns about our national security, the rule of law, the independence of our nation’s highest law enforcement agencies are mounting.

The country is being tested in unprecedented ways.

I say to all of my colleagues in the Senate: history is watching.