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SPECIAL REPORT: What is President Trump Waiting For? Now is the Time to Rebuild our Infrastructure and Create Millions of Jobs in America

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Democratic Policy and Communications Committee today released a package of reports outlining state-by-state infrastructure needs to address crumbling roads and bridges, backed-up rail lines, lack of broad band access, and congested airports that hurt our manufacturers, small businesses, and families across America.  The report underscores the need for real direct investment in infrastructure, not cuts for private developers. 

The report follows a January 24th Senate Democrats infrastructure blueprint to invest $1 trillion and create more than 15 million jobs. This plan will fund programs to reconstruct roads and bridges, modernize public transit and rail infrastructure, rebuild schools, improve our airports, expand broadband access, and build 21st century energy infrastructure, among other pressing infrastructure needs. 

President Trump promised to put forward a plan for a $1 trillion infrastructure investment within his first 100 days.  In his Joint Address to Congress, Trump also committed to putting forward a $1 trillion infrastructure plan. With such urgent needs across our country, Senate Democrats would encourage the President to release his plan immediately.

To view the state-by-state reports, click the links below.

Airport and Freight Data

Transit Data

Roads and Bridges Data

Water and Energy Data

Schools, Broadband, and Parks Data